Sunday, July 17, 2016

November Twenty-Ninth 2015’s Episode

With the Thanksgiving holiday now behind us, Advent has officially started today. This basically means that I’ll be starting what I refer to as Christmas watching. That’s when I do my annual watching of various Christmas specials and movies. Sometimes what I watch changes certain years. For instance, there are shows that have Christmas episodes that I’ll be watching. I typically don’t watch episodes of shows that relate to a specific holiday outside of that holiday. But there are some times when things are different from time to time.

Since I will be watching various Christmas movies and whatnot, you will not be seeing any updates from me for a while about my aunt and uncle’s old movies that I’m watching. I will return to those either in January or once I’m done seeing all these Christmas movies this year. Saturday was the last time I could have watched any of them, but that didn’t end up happening.

You know, Thanksgiving and Black Friday always tend to affect live shows. Sometimes they air new episodes on either one of those days. I never like that. Some Sunday shows can even be affected as well. Meanwhile, the Friday shows that I typically watch are Reign, Undateable, Grimm, Hawaii Five-0, and Blue Bloods, although sometimes I watch other shows like Shark Tank, 20/20, or Dateline. Thankfully, none of these shows were on with new episodes (well, those that I typically watch at least). They mostly air Christmas specials two days too soon.

Today’s episode is brought to you by 61 minute delay. We begin with a bunch of computery things happening. Chum Hum is brought back and they are accused of having racist maps. Luccia, who is the new character whose name I’m probably spelling wrong, is hired to protect Chum Hum at the request of Louis Canning. Diane Lockhart and her firm are on the side of the plaintiffs. Alicia touches Jason’s arm which convinces Ruth that Alicia could be having an affair. Ruth is pretty much based on this one moment cemented as a female version of Eli. I wonder if her and Eli will ever wind up in bed together. I say the countdown to that starts now.

Act two has more of the case against Chum Hum and Chummy maps. The person who is helping Diane’s firm, whatever her name is, thinks that the ads are racist as they go towards a certain racial audience. Meanwhile, there might be evidence found by Alicia that proves that there is racial profiling going on. But is there? Meanwhile, Eli digs into more of Alicia and Jason and confronts them both about it.

Act three is when we see that Jason has somehow heard some of the conversation between Alicia and Eli about their relationship. There are more problems with the Chum Hum case as they seem racist in different ways. Are they though? Hopefully we’ll find out.

Act four has Alicia’s team going through nearly everything they can and sending it to Diane’s firm. Only they are able to find out about the black woman being labeled as an animal. When you think about it, though, aren’t all humans animals? I thought that they were. It’s hard to keep track of the Eli subplot in this episode. It looks as though Alicia’s team might have lost their case.

Act five has the end of the case where it actually ends in Alicia’s favor after all when they find out more about the client of it. Also, Cary and Luccia might have some sort of secret connection that leads them to a club at the end of the episode. Eli tells Alicia about Jason’s file on her. The episode ends on the music that we’ve been hearing throughout it. There are no scenes from the next episode this time. It makes me wonder when the next new episode will be. I still don’t know if this show will go on hiatus like it did last season. We’ll have to wait and see if that happen or not. Whenever the next episode is, I’ll be back for it. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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