I don’t have much time for a post and don’t think that I’ll need to put much detail into this one. You see, with a lot of the world and country having changed over time, we might notice that one of the things that we used to hear from Republicans aren’t heard as much anymore. And that is the topic of the LGBT. I am thinking that Republicans should give up any anti-LGBT ways.
Maybe they already have or they are too focused too much on other things that they don’t like. But the reason that they should abandon anti-gay* ways is simply because too much of the world has changed. People are accepting of the gay*; more now than ever.
*For this post, gay will mean the same thing as LGBT, although the two can be different
Why should Republicans abandon these ways? It’s simple. They are only going to get the wrong crowd this way. They are only going to get people who are bigots in some way. With all of the beliefs that Republicans are racist, they shouldn’t be a way that they are sure will cause some sort of discrimination still. They are only going to attract the wrong crowd this way. They aren’t going to convince anyone to join their side on this issue.
being against gays, they are against the changing ways of this world. They can
go after all of the evangelicals they want to, but these religious nuts aren’t
worth it. They don’t even have to say they support them. They just have to
never say they are against it again and hope that they don’t have to make a
mess with the people that they want to keep. But maybe they should go all the
way with this. I don’t think that they will ever attract the right crowd with
this and if they don’t want to attract the wrong crowd, they have to adapt to
this changing world or always have this part of their party against them.
In the two years since this was posted, they've only leaned harder into their anti-LGBT ways (Hi, Mike Johnson!). I know we don't see eye to eye on this, but it's a fact that their war against bodily autonomy isn't doing so well for them at the ballot box either. I keep hoping that if we get some popcorn and then just sit back and watch the show, they'll self-destruct.
ReplyDeleteI'll share with you the post that I already wrote on Republicans self destructing sometime. It seems that nowadays, they are more focused on anti-trans ways or gender identity than anything with sexual orientation, at least from my perspective. It might be different based on what else I might be unaware of. If I do make a post on the wrong's anti-trans ways, I will share that with you as well.
DeleteI am curious as to some of what Mike Johnson has done, especially since he is now speaker of the house.