Sunday, August 23, 2020

Politics: The Phenomenon of Conservative Punching Bags

In recent history, there seems to be a phenomenon with conservatives where they always go after the same liberal over and over again with attacks of negativity. They always pick on this person in different ways. They complain about other liberals that have any associate with this main hated liberal. And they do this while ironically complaining about hatred towards the guy in the White House. This phenomenon is that they basically turn a liberal into a punching bag of which the conservatives always pick on.

You might wonder, why I am calling it conservative punching bags instead of liberal punching bags? Well, I believe that the term works since they are the ones that are throwing the punches and they always use the same thing to punch, like you would with a punching bag.

There have been three conservative punching bags in recent years. The first was obviously Obama. While conservatives act as if treating the then current president with contempt was a completely outrageous idea, this was the third out of the third presidents that I remember who was hated for simply being in charge. In fact, this tends to happen to almost every politician. But whether or not they get to be a punching bag was something I had never seen before.

Basically, using comparisons to Obama and treating him as nothing by a dirty stinking liberal who deserves the blame for all the gridlock that they were actually causing themselves, he became their punching bag as he was blamed (by sarcastically being thanked) for all that went wrong, often what they were doing themselves. They refused to work with him and then blamed him for all that wasn’t getting done. This fooled a lot of people as it does to this day.

You’d think that constantly beating a black man, even metaphorically, would get people into trouble. Plus, Obama was guaranteed to leave office the same way the last two ones were: term limits. Thus, when the 2016 election season was on, Hillary Clinton wound up being their new punching bag. She wound up being attacked relentlessly with her email scandal (which she has since been cleared in). Her husband faced attacks again too despite her arguably being a better person than him. Whether or not she’d be a better leader than her husband will never be known. We just know that even after losing, they continued to attack her as if that would make Trump’s own failures any better.

At some point, conservatives would need a new punching bag. Eventually fighting won battles of the past would be too tiring and they would need someone new to focus on instead. At some point during the Democratic primary, that person emerged. Choosing Joe Biden as their new punching bag, their relentless attacks turned to him instead of anyone else.

Part of this played into the Ukraine scandal. While it was clear to even most Republican’ts that the guy in the White House did something wrong (and yet all but one of them failed to vote to remove him from office), they spend valuable time arguing dear leader did not do anything wrong by completely trying to change the focus of the impeachment hearings by making it about someone who wasn’t even on trial. And this wasn’t the type of crime were proving someone else’s guilt proves your innocence. Now we are guaranteed to have someone who was one party’s focus of the scandal be elected president for four years.

This set the ball into motion of the constant attacks on Joe Biden during the presidential primary for that party. Despite this, or perhaps because of this, Joe Biden was chosen to be the party’s nominee. Regardless of if he gets elected president (which he probably will), he will continue to be the attacks of conservatives for quite some time until maybe the next conservative punching bag is found. They may already have one in Kamala Harris.

In conclusion, the conservatives of today love picking on specific liberals. They have done this throughout Obama’s time in office. They did this to Hillary Clinton even long after the fight was over even in a victory. Now they are doing this to Joe Biden. And they will do this again to whoever they feel is the most high profile Democrat around right now.

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