the confirmation vote of Bret Kavanaugh, I felt that I had to do a long winded
post where I do a huge rant about the horrible thing that just happened. Now
that the senate has voted to acquit Trump with no Democrats voting in favor and
all but one Republican doing that, I might as well get to doing this post. I’m
under a time crunch and can hopefully cover everything that I want to as there
is a lot to cover. Let’s get this done.
people want to bring up the past investigations of Trump, largely focusing on
the Russia theory. In their world, the moment that Russia was disproven, we
moved on to Ukraine, seeking to destroy the wonderful leadership of King Trump.
But this is not the case. Sure, the Russia investigation never lead to back to
Trump (yet at least), but many have already felt the sting of it. And it’s not
like the Ukraine investigation appeared out of nowhere. It might not have even
existed if Trump knew better.
Trump wanted the president of Ukraine to help dig up dirt on Joe and Hunter
Biden. This is despite the fact that it is illegal for any US citizen running
for office to ask for foreign help, be it financial or otherwise. There was a
hold up of aid to Ukraine that became known that was only released because
Trump was caught with his hand in the cookie jar. The air was no longer
withheld and like a bad child you can’t ignore wrongdoing of anymore, the
Democrats had it out with him by launching an impeachment inquire into him.
started throughout the process a whole misinformation campaign where they
constantly and continuously spouted the same lies over and over again, hoping
correctly that their side would latch on to their “facts” and not accept the
truth. They claimed that only Democrats were at the closed door meetings that
lead to the more opening hearings that could have failed at any point. This isn’t
true, especially after Republicans illegally break into the secure room to make
a point that, um, they should have the right to break the rules? Sadly, I can
expect no other meaning behind things like that.
thing that the Republican like to talk about was the role of the Bidens in all
this. Let’s make this all clear: the Bidens were not on trial. The Bidens did
not withhold aid or ask for illegal help. And even if the Bidens had done
wrong, that’s not relevant at Trump’s impeachment trial. I can’t believe that
one of Trump’s lawyers spent valuable time at the impeachment trial talking about
how Hunter and Joe should be on trial. If my lawyer thought the best defense
for me was that other people are criminals potentially, I’d get a better
lawyer. Of course, I’d probably be guilty in that case anyways and should be
going to jail.
addition to misdirection, there were various lies going on with impeachment. There
was a lot of talk about it being a Democratic coup. But the vice-president,
Mike Pence, who is next in the line of succession, would have become president
if King Trump were ousted from office. They knew this yet loved to lie about
one of them that got on my nerves was the idea that Trump being impeached would
overturn the results of the election. That’s complete shit and they know it. We
can’t magically undo the Trump administration. A lot of people wanted Hillary
Clinton as president, but unless she became president and got to undo all the
judges that Trump put on the bench, his election would remain in place. Another
thing worth noting is that Trump refused to allow witnesses at the House vote
and Republicans refused to have them at the later vote as if Trump never had
the chance to have witnesses there.
only were there outright lies with impeachment, there was also dubious hypocrisy
regarding it. For one, Republicans were upset with the idea that Trump might
not be on the ballot after the vote. But there are Republicans other than Trump
running for president like Bill Weld. This very party that doesn’t want Trump
removed from the ballot has no reservations about taking others off their own
ballot and not letting the voters decide what goes on.
they are also forgetting how not even two whole years ago, a Republican tried
to steal a house race and when he was caught, he wasn’t allowed on the ballot
for a do over election. Plus, it wasn’t certain that Trump wouldn’t have been
on the ballot. Different possibilities that weren’t discussed were how Trump
might be removed from office but remain on the ballot or stay in office but not
be allowed on the ballot.
bit of hypocrisy was the speed of the whole process. Republicans said that they
didn’t like how fast the process went. And these same Republicans also got
annoyed by the gap in time that it took Nancy Pelosi from the time the house
voted until she sent the articles to the senate for a vote. Which is it, then? Are
the Democrats rushing through it too fast where we see more evidence come to
light during the meantime or are they rushing as fast as they have to when they
see an attempt at damaging the once sacred elections of our country? You can
have one or the other, but you can’t have both.
Republicans’ lenient attitude on the whole thing is what is most concerning
about this. You see, they pretty much admitted that they don’t care if Trump is
guilty and many of them even say that he is. They don’t think that he should
suffer any consequence for it. This is so baffling stupid that I can’t imagine
any parents or lawyers should be using it ever. Who does something bad, doesn’t
suffer consequences for it, and learns a lesson? It doesn’t make sense.
was an episode of The Simpsons where Bart did something bad but Homer helped
ruin the chances of his son learning from it by not getting the punishment he
deserves. When Bart misbehaved again, this time around, Homer knew what he
should have done and came down with an even harsher punishment. This time, Bart
learned his lesson and went on to become a renowned Supreme Court Justice. The
Simpsons knew a better morality lesson than it would seem the Republicans of
today understand. Trump has only learned that he can get away with anything he
wants to and he’ll have a party on his side going along with it.
Dertzowitz wants to proclaim that Democrats could not pass the shoe on the
other foot test which claims that a party wouldn’t vote against someone in a
different reality that they would in ours if that person were on the other
party. If Hillary Clinton had done this, Democrats would have gotten rid of
her. And so would have Republicans. He knows that it was Republicans who had
failed the test. Ask Al Franken if a Democrat would turn on one of their own. Ask
Rod Blagojevich who had nearly no one voting to keep him in office. And then
ask Roy Moore why he wasn’t condemned by his party when there was a scandal
against him.
were insistent that it was the Democrats who were being partisan when it was
the Democrats who should be commended and applauded for doing what needed to be
done. Plus, Mitt Romney proved that he could turn on one of his own. I like
him. Trump openly called the Republicans who work against him “human scum.” I
would gladly make and give Mitt a human scum t-shirt, not because I agree with
Trump, but because people should embrace any and all kinds of insults Trumps
they should not accept is money or bribes from Trump. What many Republicans in
the senate have done since their votes is shamelessly talk about how their
states have earned money that they just happened to get after their votes on
Trump’s side. I do worry about what all of the Republicans are guilty of now. I
worry even more that white collar crime will now be a thing of the past. Not
the actual wrongdoing part, but the part where this immoral behavior is no
longer criminal. Is this something that we want: tons of crimes still going on
but not being against the law in the end?
that people don’t seem to realize regarding this is that a majority of people
wanted Trump to be impeached. Even a FOX News poll can show that. 53 senators
voted against what the majority of Americans wanted. Also note that many talk
about how this would negatively affect the Democrats. But the Democrats were
doing what the majority of Americans wanted. I don’t see impeachment failing as
a problem for the Democrats.
I’m thinking back to the Nixon case. Nixon was somehow more cooperative with
the whole process in more ways than I realized before. Plus, Republicans were
against him when they knew that he was responsible for the break-in at
Watergate. They weren’t as lenient as the people in office today. If you look
at the story of Nixon’s plumbers as they were called, they don’t seem that much
different than some of what Trump has done with people who should know better
who have even more authority than what Nixon’s plumbers did.
many people, most infamous of them, Rand Paul, want to believe that the whistleblower
is the one who is at fault here. They want us to believe that the person who
calls out wrongdoing is the one who is wrong and guilty about things. What kind
of backwards world do they live in? Why is the person who is wrong? The
criminal, right? According to some people, it is those who dare call out any
crimes among other people.
back to Rod Blagojevich, Trump has now commuted his sentence. Rod is now a free
man. For some reason, he returned to Illinois where, oddly enough, people who
support him came to visit him. I’ll have to keep track of some of what goes on
with that situation. But now it seems that Trump commuted or pardoned many
infamous people who would have stayed in jail. Rod is now after people of his
own party, although he forgets that Republicans also voted to oust him. He is
going to have to rationalize the criminal trial which got him in jail instead
of just out of office where we don’t know the political affiliation of the
jury. Will he continue to proclaim his innocence or try to proclaim that what
he did shouldn’t have gotten him in trouble the way that Trump didn’t get in
trouble? All I know is that people need to remember that investigations into
Rod went back at least to 2006 and had more to it than just trying to sell a
senate seat.
that what happened to Trump was not really acquittal. He will go to jail
someday. The only two ways that he can avoid this are death and being pardoned.
I don’t want him to die. I also do not want him pardoned, but don’t have to
worry about that as long as a Democrat is the next president. That is why Trump
should have wanted to be voted out of office because I cannot imagine a
scenario where Pence doesn’t pardon Trump. I shouldn’t want Trump to go to
jail, but he deserves it and I can just imagine him not wanting to leave office
so he leaves the White House in handcuffs on January 20, 2021 when his term
expires. We better hope that there is not more of a constitutional crisis in
the future because of him than we have already had thus far.
of the things that I heard on the Republican side of why Trump shouldn’t be
impeached was that the founders didn’t include maladministration as a cause for
impeachment. What I kept hearing from that argument and am entirely certain
that they meant is that maladministration is totally okay and shouldn’t get
someone removed from office. While I know that misdemeanors do not often result
in jail time, people need to remember that impeachment does not need to have
evidence of a crime to happen.
of which, so many of the people who are still around from back when Clinton was
impeached no longer believe their old beliefs regarding impeachment that they
had back then at the time. They completely changed their minds without giving
their previous good thoughts a second thought. Maybe they should be doing it in
the end.
was a scene in the movie Courageous that I find relevant today. I don’t have
the time to try to find the scene online, but I do own the movie and want to
tell you a good line from the film as they raise a good point in it. “[Let’s
say a criminal says] ‘Hey judge, I committed this crime, but I’ve done a lot of
good in my life.’ If the judge let him go free, would you say that he was a
good judge or a bad judge?” “A bad one.” “That’s right.” If you can find the
film online, that might be a good thing to watch as a whole to understand this
point. Perhaps the scene is online.
worth remembering is the necessary and proper clause (Article 1 Section 8) of
the US Constitution that states that Congress has the authority to do things
not mentioned outside of the sentence regarding what Congress can cover. Thus,
if you think of something that you could not in the first place, you wouldn’t
have to keep writing the laws still to this day. For instance, the people then
would not have been able to cover cybercrime then since it wasn’t a thing then,
but the clause, also known as the elastic clause, would allow them to cover
stuff that is not in the original Constitution and thus could cover more of
what they could have originally regarding things like impeachment or other
kept saying that they should just let the voters decide. Well, I hope that the
voters do decide. If your state is having an open primary where a Republican
other than Trump is on the ballot, vote for that person, even if you are a
Democrat. When it comes times for the general election, vote blue in 2020. Vote
for any and every Democrat running for office. Whoever he or she might be, they
wouldn’t turn a blind eye to justice or have any reason to keep one of their
own in the end. Voters, remember that your Republican officials didn’t vote out
Trump unless you live in Utah. So vote for Democrats in 2020 for every federal
office since Republicans are so sure that they want voters to decide this.
I close this post, there is one thing that I should note. If you want to do any
of the terrible things that Trump does, don’t do it. Don’t let what others let
him get away with be any reason why you should do what he does. I have no
fucking clue why they let him get away with what they do. They shouldn’t and
one can only hope that they live to regret this.
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