Wednesday, February 26, 2020

What Good Wife Characters Should Appear on The Good Fight?

This may be a bit of a spoiler, but the news was announced that one of the Good Wife characters was returning to the franchise by joining the cast of The Good Fight in its fourth season. That person is Zach Grenier who played David Lee on the show. He had previously appeared in the first episode of The Good Fight. This does make me wonder, who else should appear on The Good Fight that appeared on the original show? I’m going to stick to just the main characters of The Good Wife and maybe some minor ones as well. This will ignore those who have already done both shows, unless I don’t know who has done both since I’ve only seen the first season of The Good Fight.

Julianna Margulies as Alicia Florrick: It has already been reported that she was offered to appear on the spin-off of the show she was the main star on. It would seem, at first, that she rejected it for rather dumb reasons: not getting enough money for it. That might not actually be the case, but I don’t think that she has yet missed her only chance to be on the show. Maybe she will appear in the future, but I do not believe that she will, even though I want her to.

Josh Charles as Will Gardner: This one is highly unlikely outside of doing a special flashback episode. They probably wouldn’t bring him back for that and he’s more than likely done with the franchise. I’m not even sure that he should have appeared in the last episode of the show as many people seemed to think that it was just weird in some way.

Graham Phillips as Zach Florrick: I don’t think that he acts as much anymore, although we do see him from time to time. I would say that it might be unlikely for some of the Florricks to appear on the show, but he seems least likely of them all. I mean, he doesn’t have much of a story left to tell right now.

Archie Panjabi as Kalinda Sharma: She might be the person that people loved the most and would most want to see on this new show again. But I don’t know if it would make sense narratively based on what we last saw of her in the end before the show was over. Still, it would be nice to see her again at some point in time. Maybe she would need help again or be able to provide help to others. Maybe there is more to her story that would suddenly appear. I would like to see her in the franchise again.

Matt Czuchry as Cary Agos: The one thing making this unlikely at the moment is Matt’s commitment to the FOX show The Resident. He has done only one other thing since the show ended besides that. While I would like to see him again, I can’t imagine him appearing without facing his old allies again in court. Thus, I’m unsure if I want to see him in an adversarial role again as I never liked him that way. If they could get him as an ally, I’d like to see that. But I think that he’s too busy at the moment.

Makenzie Vega as Grace Florrick: She could still do a lot on The Good Fight if they wanted her to. I mean, they did make it seem like she could be a lawyer in the future once The Good Wife ended. Thus, we could see her on either side of the courtroom once enough time has passed to make it seem like this person could have a law degree realistically. I might want her to appear more than anyone else who has not already appeared on this show.

Alan Cumming as Eli Gold: As much as I like both Alan and Eli, this new show doesn’t seem like quite the right fit for him. I would like to see him again, but am unsure what role, if any, he could play on this new show. I would like to see him do another spin-off on The Good Wife or even a spin-off of The Good Fight, but his relatively busy schedule might make that impossible and I don’t know if there’s enough of an interest in more of his character or in a different type of show like that in general. Would Alan want to do such a thing? I guess it wouldn’t hurt to ask, but if anything was to come of it, it likely would have already happened by now. On second thought, since his daughter is on the show, maybe Eli should show up at least once to remind us of that dynamic.

Matthew Goode as Finn Polmar: Never really seen much on the show, he could have some sort of role on The Good Fight, even if it is just a one-off role. But I don’t see one as likely to work. What could they do or give him that would work this time around when nothing seemed to work any other time when he was actually on the show? I don’t see him returning as likely or even something that people would want from others in the end. That’s not to say that I don’t like him. That’s just to say that there would be no real purpose to him returning other than connecting it to the old show.

Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Jason Crouse: I’m not sure that he has much he could do in the new show outside of being an investigator again. Only I don’t think that Diane or Lucca would want to use him in this show. It is possible that David Lee would want him to investigate if he’s still around in some way that could be used. But I don’t think that he’ll work right now.

The in my opinion judge: I forget this character’s name, but she was one of my favorite characters on the whole show due to how awesome she was, in my opinion. It would only seem natural for those in the new show to see her again. Maybe they will or maybe they won’t. All I know is that they should.

Peter Florrick: Maybe he could appear on the show again if he has some important role that he could play outside of needing legal help again. I don’t know if there is much of a reason that we would want to see him again and am not sure that it would make sense. But it could work if they want to link up with the old show more in some way.

Louis Canning: Michael J Fox’s character was a recurring staple on the main show to enough of a point that I would be disappointed if he doesn’t show up at least once to cause more trouble or do whatever he does best. I am a bit annoyed that they never turned him into a main character. But I would like to see him as a guest on The Good Fight at least once.

Peter’s prosecutor from season 7: Well, we could use more of the final season characters of this show to show up, be it the person who helped snowball certain events forward or be it person who was mainly after Peter. He could be interesting to see again in the show, even under obviously different ways that he would be in the show now.

Well, that’s about all for this post. I enjoy seeing what characters, if any mentioned or any not in this post, would appear on both shows in the end. I would enjoy it and can only hope that more people show up on both shows and that more episodes air for free on CBS. I only hope that I’m able to see them at some point in the end. They are on DVD, right? I hope that I get the show at some point. I guess we’ll see what happens. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Politics: A Much Needed Post Trump Impeachment Trial Vote Rant

After the confirmation vote of Bret Kavanaugh, I felt that I had to do a long winded post where I do a huge rant about the horrible thing that just happened. Now that the senate has voted to acquit Trump with no Democrats voting in favor and all but one Republican doing that, I might as well get to doing this post. I’m under a time crunch and can hopefully cover everything that I want to as there is a lot to cover. Let’s get this done.

Many people want to bring up the past investigations of Trump, largely focusing on the Russia theory. In their world, the moment that Russia was disproven, we moved on to Ukraine, seeking to destroy the wonderful leadership of King Trump. But this is not the case. Sure, the Russia investigation never lead to back to Trump (yet at least), but many have already felt the sting of it. And it’s not like the Ukraine investigation appeared out of nowhere. It might not have even existed if Trump knew better.

Basically, Trump wanted the president of Ukraine to help dig up dirt on Joe and Hunter Biden. This is despite the fact that it is illegal for any US citizen running for office to ask for foreign help, be it financial or otherwise. There was a hold up of aid to Ukraine that became known that was only released because Trump was caught with his hand in the cookie jar. The air was no longer withheld and like a bad child you can’t ignore wrongdoing of anymore, the Democrats had it out with him by launching an impeachment inquire into him.

Republicans started throughout the process a whole misinformation campaign where they constantly and continuously spouted the same lies over and over again, hoping correctly that their side would latch on to their “facts” and not accept the truth. They claimed that only Democrats were at the closed door meetings that lead to the more opening hearings that could have failed at any point. This isn’t true, especially after Republicans illegally break into the secure room to make a point that, um, they should have the right to break the rules? Sadly, I can expect no other meaning behind things like that.

Another thing that the Republican like to talk about was the role of the Bidens in all this. Let’s make this all clear: the Bidens were not on trial. The Bidens did not withhold aid or ask for illegal help. And even if the Bidens had done wrong, that’s not relevant at Trump’s impeachment trial. I can’t believe that one of Trump’s lawyers spent valuable time at the impeachment trial talking about how Hunter and Joe should be on trial. If my lawyer thought the best defense for me was that other people are criminals potentially, I’d get a better lawyer. Of course, I’d probably be guilty in that case anyways and should be going to jail.

In addition to misdirection, there were various lies going on with impeachment. There was a lot of talk about it being a Democratic coup. But the vice-president, Mike Pence, who is next in the line of succession, would have become president if King Trump were ousted from office. They knew this yet loved to lie about it.

Another one of them that got on my nerves was the idea that Trump being impeached would overturn the results of the election. That’s complete shit and they know it. We can’t magically undo the Trump administration. A lot of people wanted Hillary Clinton as president, but unless she became president and got to undo all the judges that Trump put on the bench, his election would remain in place. Another thing worth noting is that Trump refused to allow witnesses at the House vote and Republicans refused to have them at the later vote as if Trump never had the chance to have witnesses there.

Not only were there outright lies with impeachment, there was also dubious hypocrisy regarding it. For one, Republicans were upset with the idea that Trump might not be on the ballot after the vote. But there are Republicans other than Trump running for president like Bill Weld. This very party that doesn’t want Trump removed from the ballot has no reservations about taking others off their own ballot and not letting the voters decide what goes on.

Perhaps they are also forgetting how not even two whole years ago, a Republican tried to steal a house race and when he was caught, he wasn’t allowed on the ballot for a do over election. Plus, it wasn’t certain that Trump wouldn’t have been on the ballot. Different possibilities that weren’t discussed were how Trump might be removed from office but remain on the ballot or stay in office but not be allowed on the ballot.

Another bit of hypocrisy was the speed of the whole process. Republicans said that they didn’t like how fast the process went. And these same Republicans also got annoyed by the gap in time that it took Nancy Pelosi from the time the house voted until she sent the articles to the senate for a vote. Which is it, then? Are the Democrats rushing through it too fast where we see more evidence come to light during the meantime or are they rushing as fast as they have to when they see an attempt at damaging the once sacred elections of our country? You can have one or the other, but you can’t have both.

The Republicans’ lenient attitude on the whole thing is what is most concerning about this. You see, they pretty much admitted that they don’t care if Trump is guilty and many of them even say that he is. They don’t think that he should suffer any consequence for it. This is so baffling stupid that I can’t imagine any parents or lawyers should be using it ever. Who does something bad, doesn’t suffer consequences for it, and learns a lesson? It doesn’t make sense.

There was an episode of The Simpsons where Bart did something bad but Homer helped ruin the chances of his son learning from it by not getting the punishment he deserves. When Bart misbehaved again, this time around, Homer knew what he should have done and came down with an even harsher punishment. This time, Bart learned his lesson and went on to become a renowned Supreme Court Justice. The Simpsons knew a better morality lesson than it would seem the Republicans of today understand. Trump has only learned that he can get away with anything he wants to and he’ll have a party on his side going along with it.

Alan Dertzowitz wants to proclaim that Democrats could not pass the shoe on the other foot test which claims that a party wouldn’t vote against someone in a different reality that they would in ours if that person were on the other party. If Hillary Clinton had done this, Democrats would have gotten rid of her. And so would have Republicans. He knows that it was Republicans who had failed the test. Ask Al Franken if a Democrat would turn on one of their own. Ask Rod Blagojevich who had nearly no one voting to keep him in office. And then ask Roy Moore why he wasn’t condemned by his party when there was a scandal against him.

Republicans were insistent that it was the Democrats who were being partisan when it was the Democrats who should be commended and applauded for doing what needed to be done. Plus, Mitt Romney proved that he could turn on one of his own. I like him. Trump openly called the Republicans who work against him “human scum.” I would gladly make and give Mitt a human scum t-shirt, not because I agree with Trump, but because people should embrace any and all kinds of insults Trumps gives.

What they should not accept is money or bribes from Trump. What many Republicans in the senate have done since their votes is shamelessly talk about how their states have earned money that they just happened to get after their votes on Trump’s side. I do worry about what all of the Republicans are guilty of now. I worry even more that white collar crime will now be a thing of the past. Not the actual wrongdoing part, but the part where this immoral behavior is no longer criminal. Is this something that we want: tons of crimes still going on but not being against the law in the end?

Something that people don’t seem to realize regarding this is that a majority of people wanted Trump to be impeached. Even a FOX News poll can show that. 53 senators voted against what the majority of Americans wanted. Also note that many talk about how this would negatively affect the Democrats. But the Democrats were doing what the majority of Americans wanted. I don’t see impeachment failing as a problem for the Democrats.

Now I’m thinking back to the Nixon case. Nixon was somehow more cooperative with the whole process in more ways than I realized before. Plus, Republicans were against him when they knew that he was responsible for the break-in at Watergate. They weren’t as lenient as the people in office today. If you look at the story of Nixon’s plumbers as they were called, they don’t seem that much different than some of what Trump has done with people who should know better who have even more authority than what Nixon’s plumbers did.

So many people, most infamous of them, Rand Paul, want to believe that the whistleblower is the one who is at fault here. They want us to believe that the person who calls out wrongdoing is the one who is wrong and guilty about things. What kind of backwards world do they live in? Why is the person who is wrong? The criminal, right? According to some people, it is those who dare call out any crimes among other people.

Going back to Rod Blagojevich, Trump has now commuted his sentence. Rod is now a free man. For some reason, he returned to Illinois where, oddly enough, people who support him came to visit him. I’ll have to keep track of some of what goes on with that situation. But now it seems that Trump commuted or pardoned many infamous people who would have stayed in jail. Rod is now after people of his own party, although he forgets that Republicans also voted to oust him. He is going to have to rationalize the criminal trial which got him in jail instead of just out of office where we don’t know the political affiliation of the jury. Will he continue to proclaim his innocence or try to proclaim that what he did shouldn’t have gotten him in trouble the way that Trump didn’t get in trouble? All I know is that people need to remember that investigations into Rod went back at least to 2006 and had more to it than just trying to sell a senate seat.

Note that what happened to Trump was not really acquittal. He will go to jail someday. The only two ways that he can avoid this are death and being pardoned. I don’t want him to die. I also do not want him pardoned, but don’t have to worry about that as long as a Democrat is the next president. That is why Trump should have wanted to be voted out of office because I cannot imagine a scenario where Pence doesn’t pardon Trump. I shouldn’t want Trump to go to jail, but he deserves it and I can just imagine him not wanting to leave office so he leaves the White House in handcuffs on January 20, 2021 when his term expires. We better hope that there is not more of a constitutional crisis in the future because of him than we have already had thus far.

One of the things that I heard on the Republican side of why Trump shouldn’t be impeached was that the founders didn’t include maladministration as a cause for impeachment. What I kept hearing from that argument and am entirely certain that they meant is that maladministration is totally okay and shouldn’t get someone removed from office. While I know that misdemeanors do not often result in jail time, people need to remember that impeachment does not need to have evidence of a crime to happen.

Speaking of which, so many of the people who are still around from back when Clinton was impeached no longer believe their old beliefs regarding impeachment that they had back then at the time. They completely changed their minds without giving their previous good thoughts a second thought. Maybe they should be doing it in the end.

There was a scene in the movie Courageous that I find relevant today. I don’t have the time to try to find the scene online, but I do own the movie and want to tell you a good line from the film as they raise a good point in it. “[Let’s say a criminal says] ‘Hey judge, I committed this crime, but I’ve done a lot of good in my life.’ If the judge let him go free, would you say that he was a good judge or a bad judge?” “A bad one.” “That’s right.” If you can find the film online, that might be a good thing to watch as a whole to understand this point. Perhaps the scene is online.

What’s worth remembering is the necessary and proper clause (Article 1 Section 8) of the US Constitution that states that Congress has the authority to do things not mentioned outside of the sentence regarding what Congress can cover. Thus, if you think of something that you could not in the first place, you wouldn’t have to keep writing the laws still to this day. For instance, the people then would not have been able to cover cybercrime then since it wasn’t a thing then, but the clause, also known as the elastic clause, would allow them to cover stuff that is not in the original Constitution and thus could cover more of what they could have originally regarding things like impeachment or other issues.

People kept saying that they should just let the voters decide. Well, I hope that the voters do decide. If your state is having an open primary where a Republican other than Trump is on the ballot, vote for that person, even if you are a Democrat. When it comes times for the general election, vote blue in 2020. Vote for any and every Democrat running for office. Whoever he or she might be, they wouldn’t turn a blind eye to justice or have any reason to keep one of their own in the end. Voters, remember that your Republican officials didn’t vote out Trump unless you live in Utah. So vote for Democrats in 2020 for every federal office since Republicans are so sure that they want voters to decide this.

As I close this post, there is one thing that I should note. If you want to do any of the terrible things that Trump does, don’t do it. Don’t let what others let him get away with be any reason why you should do what he does. I have no fucking clue why they let him get away with what they do. They shouldn’t and one can only hope that they live to regret this.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Cast Update 2-7-2020

While I doubt that any of you read my other blogs, this month might be one of the worst months for updating blogs of mine since June of last year. There is a lot to write based on stuff previously done and there should be at least two random posts of this blog that are posted at some point in time this month. I do not know why I spend so much time on blogs. It’s not like I make any money off of them. But at least I get something done and it seems like things are accomplished in some way. I will get back to you later on different things that are going on as it is hard to remember what all to post about.

Spin-off information- My review of the spin-off will follow later in this post. It will probably stay for as long as the show is still on. If the show leaves the air, then I’ll probably cut it. I do plan on creating a new blog for it in the future. I guess that I will just have to keep you updated on when it might be released in the future.

Julianna Margulies: It appears that the main actress has a project in the works. She is working on a new project called The Hot Zone, which will be a miniseries. I hope that it airs on the FOX network so I can see it. Otherwise, I might have it here without much info in it.

The Hot Zone: This doesn’t have much of a plot mentioned, other than that it is about the spread of the Ebola virus. It will air on National Geographic. It is out now on TV. There is a trailer for it. I’ll keep this here in the updates for as long as I know it is still on. Since it is a miniseries, I know that renewal is not an option for it.

Thoughts on trailer: This looks exciting. I might have to look up what happened (since this is inspired by true events and based off of a book) since I doubt that I will be able to see this as usual. It could be cool and looks like quite a thriller.

Josh Charles: I hope that I see more from him in the future or this will be a fairly short segment that you will always see. It is hard to tell for sure what goes on with some of the projects of his or other people’s in this blog to be honest. He’s also in something new called The Loudest Voice. Another thing that he’ll be in is a TV show called Away.

The Loudest Voice: This is a TV show airing right now on Showtime. It is about the rise and fall of Roger Ailes. It will air on Showtime which is a shame, because I think that I would have liked to watch this as it could help educate me on what went on.

Away: This has no release date right now or trailer. This will be on Netflix. All I know is that it’s about an astronaut missing her family while on a dangerous mission. Josh is just one of the two people cast for this right now.

Graham Phillips: We’ll see if we see more of him there in the future or not. Hopefully, he will be doing more than just that in the future. I guess I’ll have to see what could happen with his career in the future… Maybe a lot of things just hasn’t happened with him yet.

Archie Panjabi: This actress did a lot after leaving the show. I was tired of always telling you about Blindspot over and over again and now finally have a reason to tell you about a new show she’s doing. It is called Departure and will be mentioned more in the next part of this blog as usual. Another show that she’ll be doing now is I Know this Much is True. She also appears to be in something called Fairytale. She had a minor role in the British sitcom Still Open All Hours.

Departure: This has been released. It is a Canadian show about the search for victims of a possible plane crash. It will air on the Global network that I don’t think that I’ll be able to see any time soon. But I’ll keep track of this as much as I’m able to.

I Know this Much is True: This is set for release in 2020. It is a limited series that will air on HBO. It is about a person trying to get his mentally ill twin to be released from an asylum and appears to be based off of a book of some sort.

Fairytale: This has no release date or trailer at this time. It is about a romantic story that is based off of real people in some way. I have no idea yet what the title has to do with the story, but will wait and see what movie might be like.

Christine Baranski: After rejecting various pilots and other projects in the hopes of getting a spin-off from the Good Wife, she got what was wanted and will be on a Good Wife spin-off. It will only be available on CBS All Access (and hopefully DVDs in the future). The spin-off is called The Good Fight. She’ll also be in a movie called Bad Moms’ Moms. We’ll see what becomes of that. She’ll also be in something called Christmas on the Square that is a movie. Another thing she will be in is The Gilded Age. That might be it for now.

The Good Fight: It will be put on and be available to watch on CBS all access to those that want it. It is available now. Expect to see the same review over and over again for whichever people work on this from The Good Wife.

Review: Status- It is available online only at CBS all access. I’ll let you know if it is released on DVD. Why I’ve seen it- If there is something in this blog that I can review, I will. Description- Diane continues her adventures starting from scratch after losing her retirement money and starting at a new firm. Pros- The show is about the same level of quality that you would expect from The Good Wife. Cons- Apparently, there is going to be a lot of nudity in it. Like the original, this show is a bit too confusing. Note to Parents- Your kids would have to pay to watch this online so if they are seeing it, then you hopefully were the ones who let that happen, although I’d lean towards not letting really young people watch this. Recommendation- Since this is only available online for money, I would actually steer clear of this unless you really like the show. I like it, but not enough to shell out too much money for it. Prediction- This could last a while if people keep using the subscription service to watch it. It will be hard to tell for sure as it goes along. Reception: critically acclaimed. Grade: B.

Bad Moms’ Moms: This has no trailer and no release date just yet. It doesn’t have a plot yet outside of being the third installment of the Bad Moms franchise. I imagine this would likely relate to the end of Bad Moms Christmas. Still, I hope that they come up with a better title for it. Is there something wrong with “Bad Grandmas” as a title?

Christmas on the Square: This has no trailer yet. It is set to be released in 2020. It is about residents of a small town not wanting to be bought out by a big corporation. I’m not sure what Christmas has to do with it, but I guess we’ll see.

The Gilded Age: This is a TV show with a currently unknown release date. This will air on HBO. You might have remembered me talk about this in my TV show blog where I put it with the cancelled shows since it was never made and never brought to series. Well, just like with Emerald City, this has found new life again and is set to air on HBO.

Matt Czuchry: All of this time that you’ve seen me doing updates for him in this blog, you only saw me mentioning the reboot of Gilmore Girls. Well, I can finally take that off the update list and report on something new he is finally doing. It is a TV show called The Resident.

The Resident: This is a show that is on FOX at 8/7 Central on Tuesdays. I’m not sure if there’s a better way of putting it than calling it a medical drama, which is what it would be. The main thing that would make it different is it focusing more on medicine than other shows have, according to one description that I read of it. That description may be wrong upon seeing the trailer, although I’d have to see the show to know for sure. A review of the show now follows.

The Resident: Status- Currently on FOX at 8/7 Central on Tuesdays. Why I’ve seen it- I watched this for my Good Wife blog and to fulfill my promise to watch a midseason replacement on FOX this season. Description- This is a medical drama that features different doctors, some new, and there are various problems at the hospital at times. It seems a rather complicated plot that is hard to sum up easily. It should make more sense as it goes along. Notable People- This has Matt Czuchry who used to star in The Good Wife and Gilmore girls. It also has Emily VanCamp who starred on Brothers and Sisters as well as Revenge. Pros- It points out the flaws that can happen in a hospital, but does it in a good way. It can seem more humanizing than most medical dramas that I’ve seen in the past. Cons- It seems similar to House. The lead can be strange and arrogant. Note to Parents- It airs with a content adversary warning in some episodes so that’s all you really need to know about it. Recommendation- I’d say that this is good to stay into if you want to. My Viewing Habits- I plan to watch this until the very end. Whether I’ll be able to see every episode or not remains to be seen. Prediction- It is hard to tell for sure this early, but I think that it might last a bit for now. Reception: mixed. Grade: B.

Makenzie Vega: She has been working since The Good Wife ended. Sadly, she hasn’t been doing that much. I haven’t been able to find something that I could review just yet. I hope that she ends up doing something good soon. Otherwise, I guess this will be one less person to worry about. She will be in something called InstaFame. Another project that she is doing is called Exploited. Yet another is called Growing up Gorman.

InstaFame: This has no release date just yet. It’s about a person who frames their best friend for murder. I’m not sure why that would be, but I guess that I’d have to see the movie to find out why this would be the plot of it.

Exploited: This movie is set for release in 2020. It is about a new college student who is obsessed with the previous owner of his school issued laptop. I guess that we will see more about this later (I hope) as time goes by.

Growing up Gorman- The name of this movie is based on a character from the movie. It has no release date or trailer just yet. The person in this wants to win a battle of the bands competition. We’ll see if it avoids being cliché or not.

Alan Cumming: Here’s an actor who’s known for starring in Broadway plays and productions. Perhaps you have seen him on the Tony Awards that you always watch because you can’t afford to see Broadway any other way. It looks like he has a lot of future projects in the works. He is in Bright in a Hollow Sky. Yet another thing that he appears to be doing is a TV movie called Going Back. There’s also a new project called Run. Another new thing he’s doing is called Dunes of Overveen. That’s a lot.

Bright in a Hollow Sky: This is a movie about people trying to find what they have lost by going on a road trip to do so. It doesn’t have a release date or trailer just yet. Hopefully it can do better than other projects where nothing seems to come from it.

Going Back- This does not have a release date or trailer just yet. It focuses on a man who creates a frenzy by pretending to be a teenager. It seems to be set in Scotland, so that might be where it might be released. Hopefully, it will be released here too.

Run: This has no release date, but it does have a trailer. The plot is about a man who seems to have lost something important and will try to live life in a different way from this point forward. I’m guessing that running in some way will factor into the plot. It might be out, but I can’t find much information about it right now. There is also a movie of the same name set to be released soon.

Thoughts on trailer: This looks very good and interesting, although I’m not sure that I can make anything out of the plot just yet. I’ll have to see what becomes of it in the future. Whatever it is, I hope to see it and want to watch it, not just out of an obligation to doing this blog in the future.

Dunes of Overveen: This is a movie about World War II and how artists were turned into soldiers. It has no release date right now. I hope to find out more about this later and I guess we’ll see what becomes of it in the future. I’m not sure right now if this is still moving forward as a project. This isn’t on imdb.

Zach Grenier: Well, he’s finally doing a project. It is a TV movie called Devs. It looks like it will be moving forward in the future. I’ll explain more of what it is soon. I’m glad to see that he is doing something. I had a practically blank spot here for a while. He is also in a movie called The Vizitant. He’s also in The White Stuff. He will be a fourth season regular in The Good Fight.

Devs: It will be airing on FX at some point. It seems like it could be interesting as it relates to a missing person and a development division in a company. It’s a shame that I probably won’t be able to see it anytime in the future. The news says that this will be on BBC now instead of FX. Will I be able to see it? I have no idea. There is a trailer now for this. The release date is March 5, 2020.

Thoughts on trailer: This seems like it could be interesting, even if it might be a bit of a mysterious show. I think that it is airing on FX and not some other network anymore. I guess I’ll have to see what’s going on. I do like missing persons dramas so it might be a good thing if I were able to see it, but I don’t know how much of this is based on what is already there or not (if that makes sense).

The Vizitant: This is set to be released sometime in 2020. Apparently, this movie is about a defeated politician who is given the power to change the world by a mysterious entity. Perhaps the Monitor is giving him the book of destiny. Whatever will happen, I hope to find out more when there is a trailer for this. I hope for a release date soon as well.

The White Stuff: This is set for release in 2020. In it, a man learns something very weird about himself: he can’t see race. This is a short of some sort. It sounds interesting, but I have no idea if I’ll be able to see any shorts like this one or not.

The Good Fight: It will be put on and be available to watch on CBS all access to those that want it. It is available now. Expect to see the same review over and over again for whichever people work on this from The Good Wife.

Review: Status- It is available online only at CBS all access. I’ll let you know if it is released on DVD. Why I’ve seen it- If there is something in this blog that I can review, I will. Description- Diane continues her adventures starting from scratch after losing her retirement money and starting at a new firm. Pros- The show is about the same level of quality that you would expect from The Good Wife. Cons- Apparently, there is going to be a lot of nudity in it. Like the original, this show is a bit too confusing. Note to Parents- Your kids would have to pay to watch this online so if they are seeing it, then you hopefully were the ones who let that happen, although I’d lean towards not letting really young people watch this. Recommendation- Since this is only available online for money, I would actually steer clear of this unless you really like the show. I like it, but not enough to shell out too much money for it. Prediction- This could last a while if people keep using the subscription service to watch it. It will be hard to tell for sure as it goes along. Reception: critically acclaimed. Grade: B.

Matthew Goode: He has been doing a lot of projects since leaving The Good Wife. I might as well get to mentioning all of them. A new project he’s in is called Four Kids and it. He’s done so much and keeps doing more. Another potential project of his is called A Discovery of Witches, which would be a TV show. Another new thing he appears to be doing is Medieval. Yet another movie he’ll be in is The King’s Man. We’ll see what happens with them.

Four Kids and it: This looks like another in a line of kids finding some magical creature film. I liked these as a kid, although I’m not sure that I’ll still have the same fondness as an adult. Hopefully I can. There is no trailer of specific release date for it yet. It changed from 2017 as the year to an unknown year. I do hope that they can come up with a better name for it than what they have now. It is a good thing that I kept this in the update as it appears that he will be in this after all if all still moves forward the same way as he might be in this again.

A Discovery of Witches: This is out now. It will air on the Sky network which I think is British and not American meaning that I doubt that I’d be able to see it. The plot makes it seem like a supernatural show that has witches and vampires who have to work together even though they shouldn’t trust each other. It has a trailer now:

Thoughts on trailer: This seems mysterious and possibly interesting. It does seem to have some of the usual concepts of forbidden love and could wind up focusing too much on sex in some places that it probably shouldn’t. I just wish that it would air in the US. Maybe it will in the summer of 2019 on the CW. Otherwise, you’ll just see it here in these updates for as long as I keep it here.

Medieval: This is a movie set to be released sometime in 2020. I don’t know if this is based on a true story or not. But it seems like it is about two people and how they seek to win against an army of people. They probably have people helping them with it.

The King’s Man: This looks like it will be a prequel to the Kingsman series of movies. I’ll probably post review of the other movies in the series at some point. That will at least give me an excuse to watch them again. Its release date has changed to September 18, 2020. There is a trailer for this now that I will talk about.

Thoughts on trailer: I can’t gather much from a teaser like this, but may keep it in here instead of going with an official trailer later. You see, this looks interesting to me like all the other movies in the franchise have thus far. I look forward to seeing it. I just wish that a bit more could be revealed about it.

Cush Jumbo: In addition to doing The Good Fight, there’s at least one other project that she is doing, a short called Toads & Bluebottles. She’s also going to star in the same movie as Jeffrey Dean Morgan called The Postcard Killings. Another thing that she’s doing is a miniseries called Deadwater Fell.

The Good Fight: It will be put on and be available to watch on CBS all access to those that want it. It is available now. Expect to see the same review over and over again for whichever people work on this from The Good Wife.

Review: Status- It is available online only at CBS all access. I’ll let you know if it is released on DVD. Why I’ve seen it- If there is something in this blog that I can review, I will. Description- Diane continues her adventures starting from scratch after losing her retirement money and starting at a new firm. Pros- The show is about the same level of quality that you would expect from The Good Wife. Cons- Apparently, there is going to be a lot of nudity in it. Like the original, this show is a bit too confusing. Note to Parents- Your kids would have to pay to watch this online so if they are seeing it, then you hopefully were the ones who let that happen, although I’d lean towards not letting really young people watch this. Recommendation- Since this is only available online for money, I would actually steer clear of this unless you really like the show. I like it, but not enough to shell out too much money for it. Prediction- This could last a while if people keep using the subscription service to watch it. It will be hard to tell for sure as it goes along. Reception: critically acclaimed. Grade: B.

Toads & Bluebottles: This is going to be a ten minute short. There’s no trailer or release date for this just yet. I’m not sure how to see most shorts. I think that most of them are hard to come by. It is listed as in preproduction. I was able to find the plot: it’s an animated story about imaginary people doing a life journey in just ten minutes. Will it be good? I have no idea. I’d have to see it, or at least a trailer for it, to know for sure. The year of release is an unknown time. I no longer see this on imdb.

The Postcard Killings: This has no release date at this time. It is about a person trying to solve the murder of his daughter and other crimes that seem related to it. It could be interesting, even if it sounds gruesome possibly.

Deadwater Fell: This will probably airing in the UK, but maybe not the US. It will air in 2020 at some point in time. The plot is about a happy family being murdered by someone they trusted, causing cracks to appear in their community. Do I detect hints of Desperate Housewives? I guess we’ll see.

Jeffrey Dean Morgan: He is now in the cast of The Walking Dead. Another thing that he appears to be in is a movie called Walkaway Joe. He’s also in something new called The Postcard Killings. He’ll also be in something called Shrine.

The Walking Dead: This is a popular gory cable zombie drama about humans trying to save themselves from what is known as The Walking Dead, or walkers, zombies who are often the bad guys. But who else are causing problems?

Review: Status- Currently on AMC at times. Why I’ve seen it- I borrowed this on DVD from a friend in order to review it for this blog. Noteworthiness- This is adapted from comic books of the same name. Description- A man wakes up from a coma to find that he now lives in a world with zombies, his old world gone. Notable People- Jeffrey Dean Morgan, who was in The Good Wife, is now on this show. Pros- It has a good premise that works for the most part. Cons- It can be too slow moving and seem longer than it needs to be. Note to Parents- I wouldn’t let your kids watch this. Teens might be safe, but I might steer clear of that too. Recommendation- Maybe this is worth watching if you like this sort of show. I’d put it at a toss-up myself as to whether or not to watch. My Viewing Habits- I plan to watch the whole first season on DVD. Whether or not I’ll see any more after that is unknown. Prediction- I think that it is close to ending sometime in the near future. Reception: largely positive. Grade: B-.

Walkaway Joe: This doesn’t have a release date yet. It appears that it will be about the friendship between a man and a kid. It might be a western, but it is hard to tell that much about it just yet. I hope that it gets made.

The Postcard Killings: This has no release date at this time. It is about a person trying to solve the murder of his daughter and other crimes that seem related to it. It could be interesting, even if it sounds gruesome possibly.

Shrine: This has no release date at the time. It continues the whole small town crime conspiracy that Hollywood is known for doing at times. The protagonist is a journalist and if I had to guess, the antagonist is everyone else.

Robert King: Here is where we switch to writing credits. He and his wife are helping with The Good Fight. He’s also doing a TV show called Evil. We’ll see if that makes it past the pilot phase. He’s working on another TV show called Girls with Guns.

The Good Fight: It will be put on and be available to watch on CBS all access to those that want it. It is available now. Expect to see the same review over and over again for whichever people work on this from The Good Wife.

Review: Status- It is available online only at CBS all access. I’ll let you know if it is released on DVD. Why I’ve seen it- If there is something in this blog that I can review, I will. Description- Diane continues her adventures starting from scratch after losing her retirement money and starting at a new firm. Pros- The show is about the same level of quality that you would expect from The Good Wife. Cons- Apparently, there is going to be a lot of nudity in it. Like the original, this show is a bit too confusing. Note to Parents- Your kids would have to pay to watch this online so if they are seeing it, then you hopefully were the ones who let that happen, although I’d lean towards not letting really young people watch this. Recommendation- Since this is only available online for money, I would actually steer clear of this unless you really like the show. I like it, but not enough to shell out too much money for it. Prediction- This could last a while if people keep using the subscription service to watch it. It will be hard to tell for sure as it goes along. Reception: critically acclaimed. Grade: B.

Evil: This looks like it could be interesting. People investigate the supernatural in this show in the typical one woman, two men set up. This is currently on hiatus. Will it have any supernatural elements or will everything be explained? Maybe we’ll find out what will happen.

Evil: Status- Currently on hiatus. Why I’ve seen it- I watched this to review it for a blog. Description- A woman and others have to deal with the idea of what makes one evil and if there are supernatural abilities behind it or not. Notable People- This is created by Robert and Michelle King who also did The Good Wife, The Good Fight, and BrainDead. It stars Michael Emerson from Person of Interest, Lost, and Arrow. Pros- It has a lot to offer in terms of understanding the human mind. Cons- It might be too mysterious at some points in the long term. I just hope they decide whether or not to include supernatural elements for sure at some point. Note to Parents- This is probably not something that you want your kids watching. Recommendation- I’d say that this is pretty good to watch. My Viewing Habits- I plan to see as much of this as I can and have watched since the first episode aired. Prediction- This has been renewed for a second season, but might not have additional episodes this season. We’ll see if it lasts longer than that or not. Reception: positive. Grade: B-.

Girls with Guns: Not much is known about this right now. I don’t even see a plot of this mentioned right now. What I do know is that it might air on CBS all access. It is unknown when this is coming out. I could not find out more information upon further research as I doubt google would be helpful with this.

Michelle King: Since she is married to the previous person, it would appear that she would probably have the same projects in the works as her husband. This section may be redundant since any similar projects that these people have would be the same thing and thus have the same information. She is working on The Good Fight. She’s also doing Evil and Girls with Guns.

The Good Fight: It will be put on and be available to watch on CBS all access to those that want it. It is available now. Expect to see the same review over and over again for whichever people work on this from The Good Wife.

Review: Status- It is available online only at CBS all access. I’ll let you know if it is released on DVD. Why I’ve seen it- If there is something in this blog that I can review, I will. Description- Diane continues her adventures starting from scratch after losing her retirement money and starting at a new firm. Pros- The show is about the same level of quality that you would expect from The Good Wife. Cons- Apparently, there is going to be a lot of nudity in it. Like the original, this show is a bit too confusing. Note to Parents- Your kids would have to pay to watch this online so if they are seeing it, then you hopefully were the ones who let that happen, although I’d lean towards not letting really young people watch this. Recommendation- Since this is only available online for money, I would actually steer clear of this unless you really like the show. I like it, but not enough to shell out too much money for it. Prediction- This could last a while if people keep using the subscription service to watch it. It will be hard to tell for sure as it goes along. Reception: critically acclaimed. Grade: B.

Evil: This looks like it could be interesting. People investigate the supernatural in this show in the typical one woman, two men set up. This is currently on hiatus. We’ll see how long it might last. At least we know season 2 will come sometime.

Evil: Status- Currently on hiatus. Why I’ve seen it- I watched this to review it for a blog. Description- A woman and others have to deal with the idea of what makes one evil and if there are supernatural abilities behind it or not. Notable People- This is created by Robert and Michelle King who also did The Good Wife, The Good Fight, and BrainDead. It stars Michael Emerson from Person of Interest, Lost, and Arrow. Pros- It has a lot to offer in terms of understanding the human mind. Cons- It might be too mysterious at some points in the long term. I just hope they decide whether or not to include supernatural elements for sure at some point. Note to Parents- This is probably not something that you want your kids watching. Recommendation- I’d say that this is pretty good to watch. My Viewing Habits- I plan to see as much of this as I can and have watched since the first episode aired. Prediction- This has been renewed for a second season, but might not have additional episodes this season. We’ll see if it lasts longer than that or not. Reception: positive. Grade: B-.

Girls with Guns: Not much is known about this right now. I don’t even see a plot of this mentioned right now. What I do know is that it might air on CBS all access. It is unknown when this is coming out. This will likely be about girls with guns. But more of a plot beyond that is unknown.

Erica Tazel: This former Good Fight actress has two projects in the works. One is called The Summer People. She’s also going to be in something called Cognitive. I don’t think that there is much else to gather from her career just yet.

The Summer People: This has no release date or trailer right now. It is about people who are forced to work with others to last in some way. I have no idea right now what this might be about and will have to wait until more is known. This will be a TV movie.

Cognitive: This is possibly out already. It will be a short. It does have a trailer that I will talk about. In this story, people are lead to believe that they aren’t growing up at all due to something about the way they were raised.

Thoughts on trailer: Okay, so this doesn’t reveal anything outside of the plot that we already know based on what imbd says the official plot of this is. What else is there to say about this? I have no idea. We’ll have to wait until it is out to know more.

Poppy Montgomery: After her show was cancelled, she has not yet started doing anything else that I can find right now. I plan to be back later with more information if I get it. I don’t know if she acts less now than she used to. We’ll see what she does.

Former projects: From now on, a list of projects that the cast has done of things that once had them in it but no longer do will be mentioned in this section below. It will largely be used to keep track of TV shows that used to star these people and what became of these shows. It might be used on occasion for other things as well, depending on what I feel would work here. This includes Blindspot. More might come later, but isn’t here now.

Blindspot: This show is on hiatus. A review will follow. This is the show about a woman who wakes up with amnesia and uses her tattoos to solve crimes. The plot has evolved some in more recent seasons, but enjoy this standard review nonetheless.

Review: Blindspot: Status- Currently on hiatus. Why I’ve seen it- I was interested in the idea of it. Description- For mysterious reasons, a woman has amnesia and tattoos all over her body and there are crimes solved based off of this. Pros- The show is intriguing and interesting. Cons- The show may seem a bit scatterbrained and it seems like they are trying to do a female version of Jason Bourne. The show can seem similar to other types of dramas in a way. It can also be more violent than it needs to be. Note to Parents- I’d say that this is something that teenagers can watch, but not any younger than that. I think that all the episodes I’ve seen thus far were TV14. Recommendation- I’d say that this is worth watching. Prediction- The upcoming season of it will be its last. Reception: positive. Grade: B+.


On CBS all access- The Good Fight (season 3 now available)

Possibly out somehow- Departure, Cognitive

Currently on TV- A Discovery of Witches (on Sky network, unknown time), The Hot Zone (on National Geographic, unknown time), The Loudest Voice (on Showtime, unknown time), The Resident (Tuesdays at 8/7 Central on FOX), Evil (Thursdays at 10/9 Central on CBS), The Walking Dead (unknown time on AMC)

Currently on hiatus- Blindspot

March 5, 2020- Devs

September 18, 2020- The King’s Man

Unknown 2020- I Know this Much is True, The Vizitant, Exploited, Christmas on the Square, Medieval, The White Stuff, Deadwater Fell

Unknown year- Four Kids and It, Bright in a Hollow Sky, Toads & Bluebottles, Going Back, Girls with Guns, Walkaway Joe, The Postcard Killings, Dunes of Overveen, Bad Moms’ Moms, InstaFame, Run, Fairytale, The Summer People, Away, The Gilded Age, Shrine, Growing up Gorman