Something I wonder about this
show is how it compares to being a political drama versus it being a courtroom
drama. They haven’t done as much lately with the courtroom drama aspect of the
show and I’m not sure how I feel about that. I still don’t know how the Diane
Lockhart stuff relates to the plot in any way. It seems like the writers
themselves don’t care that much about it. Do I care about them? I would care
more if they could do it right. I do wonder which of the two will get more
I watched the movie Clueless.
I replaced that with the movie The Devil Wears Prada. Meanwhile, I listened to
one of the commentaries for the movie Rush Hour. I also watched more of the
Bourne series. They both remain on the list. I also watched Pleasantville and
it remains on the list so I can watch it again with commentaries.
The future of this show is
starting to look bleak. We knew that the creators of this show were leaving it
at the end of the season. But Juliana Margulies is thinking that she might be
done with the show and they can’t do the show without her. I don’t know if this
could actually happen or not. What I do know is that this show is always on the
bubble and has never gotten cancelled. This could change at the end of this
season. If it is the end, I just hope that there is resolution as this show
tends not to resolve things. Speaking of which
Here’s the link to my new blog
about CSI: Cyber-
And it wouldn’t have happened without this blog (which wouldn’t have happened
without a blog about Madam Secretary). So remember: if there’s ever a show
after this one and there’s a delay on one of my CBS affiliates but not the
other one, there’s two different delays on each, or the delay is so long that
the planned new episode of the show after this one doesn’t air at all, then I
will create a blog about that show. Since the midseason schedule is starting
and football season is over until near the end of the summer, the likelihood of
that happening again this season is unlikely. That’s why I never created a blog
about Battle Creek and how I also missed out on a blog about the original CSI.
Today’s episode is brought to
you by no delay. We begin finally getting back to bond court. Lucca suggested
getting a plea deal for someone, but Alicia is against that. Alicia then finds
an old client who she decides to randomly help. He has still been in lock-up
this whole time. I’m live blogging this episode for a change. I wonder just how
long Jason has been flipping between Diane and Alicia. It seems as if he is
two-timing her, in a way. After a while, it is nice that they are finally
giving Diane’s firm a plot that’s actually worth being in the episode. It’s
about time! The subject this time relates to diversity in a way. Eli returns to
talk to Alicia. He has seemed unfortunately pathetic lately. I hate a person
who is always apologizing, especially someone who is supposed to be tough. In
the latest season of Big Brother, Vanessa was always apologizing and crying
over the moves she was making. I didn’t like that. Eli tells what the message
was about. But Alicia is taking the corrupt judge to court. I hope that he gets
locked up or something.
Act two is when we get to the
preceding trial of the judge and we switch to Diane’s case. Jason thinks that
Diane should use a different argument in her case. The judge cross-examines the
client against him and gets his way. Their client then turns the tables on
Alicia and steals her client as well as sues her firm for malpractice. It’s
interesting stuff like this that makes me wonder why Noel Kirkpatrick of
doesn’t like the show anymore. I was considering him a potential replacement
for this blog, should I need one, but that won’t happen. He’s not doing reviews
of this show that much anymore. I don’t think that anyone else is doing it in
his stead. Sorry if I’m seeming morbid by mentioning a potential replacement. I
don’t plan on going anywhere, but you’ll never know what will happen. Two weeks
ago, a baby was baptized at my church and this week was the same baby’s
Act three has more of Diane’s
case. I don’t fully understand it right now. Alicia is depressed over the
revelation about Will. This makes me wonder if he’ll be back for a flashback
episode. I hope that will happen if she’s emotional about all of this. But
Alicia gets Cary as a lawyer to help her against the malpractice suit.
Act four has the case against
Alicia who was being sued by her former client. She ends up kissing Jason. I
was wondering when that would happen. But would she still trust him once she
learns of the cases he helps Diane with? They play a tape of the judge. “You
can’t object; you’re a witness.” But, the tape can’t be entered as evidence in
the case. Well, I thought that I would like Diane’s firm being back in the
show, but they are still basically skimming over what they should be delving
into. Her case was resolved. Lucca and the lawyer who is suing Alicia get into
a fight over the case at hand. Alicia finally forgives Eli after he points out
that she and Will were together.
Act five has the judge sending
the case to trial. Jason admits that he has been offered jobs with Lockhart
Argos. Alicia seems to be okay with him working there, but I don’t think that
she knows his true motives. I don’t think that I do either. Cary wants Alicia
to come back and work with their firm. It probably will happen. There are no
scenes from next time, so I guess that we’ll be back whenever with the next new
episode. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.
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