Friday, June 17, 2016

February Fourteenth 2016’s Episode

There might be the possibility that posts from this season will appear out of order. Of course, as I’m writing this, I don’t know whether or not I will do this. The reason I’m thinking about this is because I did this with my Madam Secretary blog since they aired a sort of Christmas episode and I wanted it to be linked up with this blog for a while with the episodes from the same week posted around the same time as each other. Now I have two November episodes of Madam Secretary on VHS and one of The Good Wife as I’m writing this. I’ll see what happens. I just know that if this show gets cancelled, I will be updating this blog more often than I have in the past. But, I might have already told you that in a different blog post that I wrote later. If any show that I blog about gets cancelled, I will have ways of continuing the blog. You’ll find out how if we ever cross that bridge.

Well, it’s official: the Good Wife is ending at the end of this season. In May, the show will air its last episode and then the show will be over. You will see what happens with this blog in the future. If I don’t like the series finale, I’ll probably discontinue it. If I do like it, then I will continue posting in this blog by mentioning what happens to the cast and creators of this show after they leave The Good Wife. I will mention my final judgment on this later. But, it is possible and very likely that even if I do cast updates that I will still end up stopping the blog at some point. We’ll see what happens regarding that. Just know that the last regular blog post of mine will be on the last episode of this show. I may end up getting the DVDs and blog about the whole series from the beginning in it. We’ll see what happens. But this show had a nice journey and I’ll probably mention a send-off in a separate post at the end. The question just becomes whether or not it will be the last post I ever do in this blog or if I’ll start some other way of continuing it.

Not much has happened or has been able to happen with the movie watching of my aunt’s and uncle’s old movies these past two weeks. Pretty much all I did end up watching was part of the Indiana Jones series. And I don’t know where/if I’ll continue these updates. I’d have to move it to a different blog, that’s for sure. So enjoy these updates until the last episode of this show airs.

Here’s a section that I’m putting in multiple blog posts. I was away from my home visiting family the day that this episode aired. There were potential ways for me to record the Sunday episodes of shows that I blog about, but I was concerned that the PGA tour might run long and there would be a tape delay messing up the recordings. This didn’t ultimately happen, though. I could have potentially watched and blogged about it elsewhere, but a lack of definite plans prevented that. Thus, the CBS shows that I blog about were watched online for this week and this post may be different than usual as a result.

This is the first time that I’ve had to watch a show I blog about online. (Well, not actually the first, but the first intended time where I actually did watch the whole episode online and then blog about it. The last time after issues recording prevented anything from recording, I posted that there would be a lack of a post within the post not considering or planning to watch something online. That wasn’t a usual option and I didn’t care enough about the blog at the time anyways.) Hopefully this won’t affect my post that much. I just hope that I can find the time and that I’m not eating something that causes my fingers to get too messy. That would prevent me from writing while watching, if you know what I mean. Anyways, I should get to the actual point of my blog post now.

Today’s episode is brought to you by no delay. We begin with Diane talking about her firm. Lucca and Alicia are both at this firm. We get to Eli’s daughter who works at a coffee shop. It appears that they only want Alicia and not Lucca. The daughter of Eli, whatever her name is, talks to a random costumer for some odd reason. I’m guessing that he’s important in some way. I’m guessing that he’s a journalist pretending to be someone else. Well, he actually works for the FBI. This is the same guy from an earlier episode I believe. He was with the judge scandal case. There is a case against Chum Hum. People come to arrest a client.

Act two has the reason for the arrest: Chum Hum has been hacked. We get to the case at hand. She does the case although there are problems with it as usual. Things are complicated for her as usual. I’m still wondering how this connects to other episodes that I’ve seen.

Act three has Eli and Alicia talking. Eli thinks that feds are investigating him. There is more to the case with Chum Hum. I’ve never really known what to think about Chum Hum per say. Are they bad? Possibly. They just always seem strange. Maybe they have endearing qualities to them like other frequent clients of theirs. Eli tells his daughter to go out with the FBI guy again. Lucca admits to having what Chum Hum is looking for.

Act four has Diane and Cary talking to Lucca about the information that she has. It’s hard for me to summarize this episode. I should work better on that. How am I supposed to be a writer in the future if I can’t even summarize things? Eli talks the FBI guy about various things. Lucca founds out that the foil thing that Chum Hum wants was posted on twitter and the followers of this person could have the information as well. Eli is concerned once again for Peter. It kind of gets old how often this happens.

Act five has the rest of the case with Mr. Howl. He is found innocent. Ruth tells Alicia to get out of whatever situation she is in while Alicia still can. I don’t think that there are scenes from next time, so you’ll just have to see that episode then. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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