Saturday, August 27, 2022

Politics: The Republican Self Destruct

Well, it is time to bring you a post that I wrote a while ago while announcing a change to this blog. I'll talk more about this in the next cast update. This blog will be on Saturdays for the foreseeable future and be shared with other blogs of mine, meaning that it won't be the only blog you will see on Saturdays. Unless something changes, once you see a post of this blog on every Saturday for a whole month, you will then go to a new normal where the next cast updates of this blog will always be on the first Saturday of the month and it will no longer tie in with the Madam Secretary blog the way that it once did. Also note that these political posts will be covering just Republicanism again. One last thing to note is that some of the random updates that aren't cast updates won't be done for a bit until they return. Now let's get to the regularly scheduled blog post.

Sometimes all a Democrat has to do to win is stand back and let the Republican self destruct. I’ve said that before and it is worth its own post. You might not always know just how badly a Republican is going to screw things up for themselves or others in their own party.


One of the best examples of this is the late Todd Akin. His controversial comments on rape in regards to something that goes completely against fact destroyed more than just his own chances of getting elected to office. Of course, that’s back when saying and possibly doing any horrible sexual thing actually got Republicans in trouble and was something that others cared about at the time. But Democrats made gains in the senate seats that year with Todd’s liberal opponent, Claire McCaskill, going from possibly being in danger to having a cakewalk victory.


There are plenty of other examples of this as well. For instance, Trump’s focus on supposed rigged elections may have decreased Republican turnout across the board. It didn’t help when Georgia had run-offs. I don’t believe that he was solely to thank for Republican losses there and the Democrats getting the senate. But he didn’t help by any means.


I don’t think that there is much else that I can add to this blog post. I wanted to include more examples, but I just want to get done with this and don’t think that there is too much else that needs to be added at all. Thus, I’m going to end the post here.

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