It turns out that this special will be airing on Black Friday which I personally feel is a bit too soon for any Christmas related programming, but that’s not the point. Since I will be doing a random post every December that isn’t a cast update that relates to this blog, then I might as well get as many of them done that I would like at once in one single year so here’s one for you to enjoy.
We begin with Branch, I think, getting prepared for the season. He gets on a hot air balloon where Poppy is. She is going overboard as usual by wanting to do a gift exchange in addition to a bridge walk that is also going on. They want to deliver letters. Tiny Baby Sir talks about wanting to do something, but his jam is messed up. Both Branch and Poppy get each other’s name in the exchange which worries him, but thrills her.
The second part has Tiny Baby Sir (is that really his name?) talks to a rhymeasaurus. The best rhyme that he could think of for diamond was climate. Why not make up a word? You know, Doctor Seuss rules? They seem valid to me. Poppy talks to other trolls I’m not familiar with. I have not seen the second movie as of the writing of this blog post. They think that she should be careful with the gift getting, but she isn’t concerned about this. Meanwhile, Branch is trying to best figure out how to get something that is neither too small nor too big. Tiny Baby Sir seeks to climb and mountain to solve his rhyming problem. I guess he wants to climb every mountain/ forge every stream/ follow every rainbow/ til he finds his dream or a good rhyme for diamond.
The third part has Branch trying to measure Poppy’s head for a gift, but he is caught. There is some of the awkwardness going on that I think that we see in the Trolls franchise. But he catches a glimpse of a huge present for him that others were trying to hide. He makes a monster contraption that he tests out that goes awry, even taking him to a different Trolls world for a moment.
Meanwhile, on the top of the mountain, he gets random messages while everyone else is doing a vow of silence. He decides to rhyme the word daddy instead of diamond. While he leaves, two clouds break their vow of silence which causes them both to disappear. He is told to look through the clutter. Poppy also worries about her gift for Branch.
The fourth part has all of them gathered together for the exchange. They reveal that they had each other’s names. But Branch decided to go with a simple scrapbook for Poppy. She likes it. Poppy decided not to get Branch anything despite the big present. You can actually give people the gift of nothing. Seriously. My brother got this. Go to Amazon and you’ll find it there by simply typing nothing in the search box. I’m not planning to do Amazon this year since they aired the first Christmas commercial of the year. Anyways, a song happens with Tiny Baby Sir doing his rap for his daddy as part of it. Branch and Poppy think that they should do a song exchange instead of gift one next year.
That’s about it for this post. This seems like a simple special that works for me even though I have yet to see the second Trolls movie, but plan to as a random post sometime during a future year. It does tie more into Christmas than the other Trolls Holiday did. I’ll get to that in a different post, although it could be a while until you see that. I hope that you enjoy this post. I have a lot of Christmas ones planned for future years, like one on Trolls Holiday. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.
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