Only Republicans could make honesty worse than lying. With their near constant lying when it comes to their ways, you’d think that honesty would be a good thing on the rare occasion that they use it. While honesty is typically the best policy, how did Republicans make it their worst? It is quite simple, really. If they say that they are going to do something bad for the country or others, they are honest about it. And that’s the only time that they are honest.
Think about it. When universal health care became a thing, they wanted to get rid of this. They did not care about people with pre-existing conditions like nearly every special needs person. They might not have cared as maybe they thought that they wouldn’t vote or pay attention to such things in life. And sadly, some of them are this way. But my autism isn’t something that I’m just going to ignore as the Republican Party openly doesn’t care about those with special needs. They want to get rid of guaranteed health care coverage during the middle of a pandemic and they have no reservations being upfront about it.
That won’t be the first or last time that they are complete dicks and honest about it. When they want to do something terrible, they’ll let you know. They are just like henchmen in movies or shows that reveal their plans to the hero in time for the hero to potentially thwart it. We should always make sure that we do.
In the 2020 presidential election, there were two notable instances of their horrible honesty that they made known. We had the Republican primary that they inexplicitly rigged in favor of Trump. They could have actually won with a different candidate. But they deprived their own voters the chance to choose their party’s own candidate. While Trump would have probably won a fair primary in that party anyways, they didn’t want people to know just how many Republicans would have gone for a non-Trump candidate like one time Trump wannabe turned anti-Trump Republican Joe Walsh. Trump could have faced a more serious challenge than he did.
Then we get to the Supreme Court vacancy in a presidential election year for the second time in just two different, back to back presidential ones. Republicans gave all this shit about why there could not be a vote on Merrick Garland in February or later than that as it was too close to an election in their minds. And holding a majority in the senate, they didn’t have to do their duty to confirm a Supreme Court nominee since there could be a Republican president who could make sure that the court didn’t turn blue.
Well, this norm that they invented was sadly and not at all surprisingly thrown in the garbage like the hypocrites that they are. I have a name for the 41 Republican senators who had no issue with putting Barrett on the court after they told others that they couldn’t put Garland on the court despite there being way less time until the election would happen. I’m calling them the injustice senators. I will name them all and do a post on them in my Good Fight blog and do a video on them in my YouTube channel. Even with five of them out of office and at least another five set to leave, I will have to do my best to insure that these people are known.
Why was it okay in their mind to not confirm Merrick Garland but to abandon their own rule when it no longer benefitted them? It’s simple. They had a majority in the senate both times. They were honest and upfront about why they could be complete dicks in both cases and be right in their minds. They are even threatening not to hold confirmation hearings on any Biden nominee in 2023 or later if they regain a majority in the senate. Let’s not satisfy them.
amazing that they can still do as well as they do despite shredding any sense
of decency as the pathetic human beings that they are. They will whine about
any potential court stacking right after openly stacking the court themselves. At
least they are honest. But I wish that they would just stick to lying so that
we could call them out on it.
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