Friday, May 8, 2020

Politics: The Five Worst Things about Trump

Due to a low view count, this will be the last time in this blog that I will talk about Trump in a purely political post. Thus, I will be ending this theme in this blog. I plan to put it in a different blog in case you did like it and want to read more of it.

Now for the more formal introduction of this post: I was asked once to point out the five worst things about Trump and have had a lot of time to think about it to do this post. I only hope that I can think of just five things that stand out the worst. What are the five worst things about Trump and can I merge all of his many flaws into just five things? Well, let’s get started.

#5 Lack of taking responsibility for problems- It doesn’t matter what he does wrong, it is instantly someone else’s fault. No matter how badly he screws up, he will never admit fault or any wrongdoing on his part. Some Republican’ts criticized Obama for his supposed apology tour, but at least in that scenario, he admitted fault and knew he was wrong. Even if Trump knew that he was wrong to do something in the past, he’ll never admit it to even himself.

#4 Partisanship- This problem has only gotten worse since Trump rose to power. He refuses to work with the other party and then wonders why they don’t like him. He does what he can to go without them and rarely works on their side. Only if he feels that he will get the credit will it work to his advantage. But it doesn’t matter that he needs them now that they have a majority in the house. He won’t work with them and then blame then on his problems.

#3 Bullying- It doesn’t matter who they are. If they die like John McCain, he will certainly do even more attacking of them since they aren’t around anymore to defend himself. And he will attack anyone in his own party who isn’t always loyal to him or working with him. He turns against people in an instant and has a reputation for belittling anyone with derogatory nicknames. Why would the guy in the White House do such a thing? He knows that this will stroke his base and get all the support of the often despicable people who like him.

#2 Fear mongering- Delving even further into the previous problem, the problem where he thrives off of others being put down or the racist people wanting to work with him is he thrives off of the fear that he stokes out of others. If Democrats are in charge, horrible things will happen. You can’t let the Mexicans into this country. We have to build a wall to keep out this “invasion” that is going on. The media can’t be trusted. Obamacare ruins everything. If you can think of something, be it good or bad, he will seek to exploit it by sowing fear into others.

#1 Lying- This could only be the number one issue for me. It isn’t normal for people to lie this much in office. Does he even believe half of the things that he says? Does he? A lot of what he says is so ridiculous that it doesn’t even make sense, yet people believe it. People even believe that he doesn’t lie. Are they just ignoring or not realizing all the fucking lies? Do they only get their news from one source? I don’t get why anyone would believe something that he says as he is often only honest when he says he will do something horrible.

I think that racism and sexism might have been covered in the five points above. Most of what I wanted to say was covered in all of these choices, even if they didn’t cover everything. I hope that you like this post and if you think that I missed anything important, you can let me know. And if you don’t think that Trump has done anything wrong in his life, well, I don’t want to hear from you at all and you can continue to live in your little fantasy world.

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