Tuesday, December 29, 2015

October Eleventh 2015’s Episode

I’m not entirely sure how to begin this blog post at the moment. So I’ll just ramble as usual about rambling things that I’m rambling about. Since I tend to talk about sports delays in this blog of mine, I might as well mention doubleheaders, something that happens during football season. Now during the fall part of the schedule, there are doubleheaders with football that tend to create at the very least, a 30 minute delay. This is planned in advance. You can tell by the epg on your remote. They know that there is no way of the game ending at 6 so they plan a delay. That means that if the game ends sooner than 6:30, they will air stuff to make the delay fit exactly so that people using DVR and the like will actually see their whole show as they intended to. But, if the game lasts beyond 6:30, they will have to delay the show even longer than planned. That is how shows have ending up airing in the time slot of a different show, such as this airing in what is now CSI: Cyber’s time slot.

To make a long story short, I’ve put this episode on VHS and have already seen everything that aired from it from 9 onward. Depending on if Quantico comes in and if I do create that blog about CSI: Cyber, I might not always do something like this in this blog of mine. I could move it to that other potential blog. For now, I’m keeping things like that in this blog, even if it is confusing for me. At least I will see the whole episode over time.

Today’s episode is brought to you by 33 minute delay. Act one has Alicia talking to a client in bond court that was given to her by that one new female character. He admits to doing the case, it seems. Eli and Ruth continue to butt heads. I wonder if they hired Margo Mardindale because they had cancelled her previous show. It was a CBS show so it makes sense that they would want to keep her around. Makes you glad that she didn’t bash anyone after The Millers was cancelled. Alicia’s client is crazy. I wonder how this fits in with the part of the episode I’ve already seen.

This is the episode that introduces Howard and I talk about him a lot in future episodes. Only I couldn’t remember his name a lot so don’t be surprised if I just call him that old guy. Also, Jason appears now and I thought that he had previously appeared in the show, but I guess that I was wrong about that. Don’t be surprised if you see posts in the future about how I thought he had previously worked for Alicia as a campaign manager. Doesn’t he look like that at least? Meanwhile, it turns out that the stolen photos are of the client naked and he wants to get rid of them. What a long paragraph. I’m going to split it up. In case you are confused by things that I’m writing, I change things a lot. I see things out of order sometimes and that’s why things can be confusing for me and whoever might be reading this. They are probably wondering why I didn’t post this episode sooner.

Act two has Diane and Cary talking about Howard and his problems. Also, I’m reading through what I’ve written about the rest of this episode and things will make more sense, although don’t be confused by me being confused about things in the future. Anyways, Alicia thinks that there is something wrong with the judge. Ruth is wondering about Eli’s mention of the movie It Follows. Howard is his weird, funny self. There is problems with Amanda, the PI Alicia hired. Meanwhile, the case continues as my past self starts watching and writing about the episode.

It is this point around the 9:00 mark that I start watching the episode. Eli is talking to Alicia about her election scandal. He has an idea that sounds bad to her. Of course, his crazy plan makes complete sense to himself. Is it something that she will try? Will it work? Alicia and other lawyers talk about the case from earlier that I haven’t seen just yet. But I’ll catch up. I need to remember the name of the new character. Also, Quantico isn’t coming in so I won’t be able to watch it, which actually works perfectly with my plans for today.

The next act has Alicia apologizing to the person that is probably the reason that she is not state’s attorney. She is told to vote no on the next vote. She fires a person relating to her law firm. I’ll probably understand more about that later. The case at hand related to copyright. They have to obey Maine law which doesn’t help them in the case.

The next act has the topic of child pornography brought up for some odd reason. There are some sort of stomach problems that are complicating the case. Weird. A man is strange in front of women. Diane gets mad at Cary for this, blaming him for this man showing up. Why are they showing erotic paintings on this show? And, more importantly, how do network standards allow them to air this? Maybe there’s a reason that this aired on the day of a doubleheader when they knew a tape delay would happen. Although, I don’t know yet what aired at the earlier part of this episode. I should really stop saying that as you are going to read this whole thing the way it was meant to be seen and not out of order like I’m watching it. You’ll read this after the part that aired earlier. So why am I doing this?

The next act Alicia talks to her (former?) campaign manager. She then talks to her daughter who wants to get paid. Finally, they are making the daughter look good by giving her a fun job. I didn’t like her portrayal before. They tend to not make Christians look good in this show which can be kind of offensive. It looks like the case is getting resolved in a good way. It looks like Peter’s new campaign manager might be working with his old campaign manager. Also, Alicia gets a deal or offer of some sort from this man who used to be her lover.

On the next Good Wife (which I might have already blogged about), Alicia thinks that she’s being set up. She’s also doing a cooking show with her mother. As usual, vague promo is vague- ding! For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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