Saturday, November 19, 2022

Kingsman: The Golden Circle review

I hope that it isn’t long until I can watch this movie again and get this review out of the way. But I do like this film and think that it will be nice to see it again to review for this blog. It shouldn’t be too long until you see this post, hopefully. Let’s get to the review in question.


Watch this as an alternative to reading this post:


We begin with the music of Country Road playing in the background. Despite the lyrics, this film will not be heading to West Virginia. Eggsy is coming out of the Kingsman shop when he sees Charlie from the last film. At gunpoint, Eggsy is forced into a car where they fight. In the car, Charlie is revealed to have a robot arm and seems immune from electrocution this time around. The driver of the car is knocked out in the ensuing fight with Eggsy taking the wheel and Charlie gone, for now.


Eggsy is still being chased in the car he’s now in control of by three enemy vehicles. He talks to Merlin wanting a route cleared so he can take these people out. When given permission to fire, three missiles take them out, but police are following him as well. Eggsy doesn’t have a windscreen, but does hold his breath to get to the rendezvous point. Now while I could believe that in fiction alone a car could work underwater, I still wouldn’t believe it would with a partially blown windshield or even with working windows that are rolled down at the time.


While police clear the park, Eggsy has an important date that he has to get to that can’t wait. He doesn’t stay for the debrief yet. He jumps into sewer water where he meets with Princess Tilly from the last movie. But during this time, the arm from Charlie activates material in the car pertaining to various other Kingsman agents. Eggsy, his girlfriend, and other friends hang out for now.


Meanwhile… We get to the ruins of a jungle where a woman named Poppy talks about her drug empire and how it could be a monopoly. I have the feeling that she should go directly to jail. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200. She controls something known at The Golden Circle. While talking to a new man that is here named Angel, she tells him that the old man is bad. Using her robot dogs, she helps the new man, Angel, put the old one in the meat grinder while using this man’s now grinded body as meat. Angel then has to eat the old man.


Eggsy is seen at his home and talks to Tilly some. They talk some about Harry from the last movie and how they miss him since he died. Going back to headquarters, we learn how the electrocution of Charlie back at Valentine’s headquarters allowed him to survive the head explosions by damaging his implant which blew up his arm and damaged his vocal cords instead. They had footage of this and still need to figure out what all has happened to Charlie since then.


Back at Poppy’s headquarters, Angel is forced to eat the dead man so he can officially join the organization in question. At his official dinner with the king and queen, Eggsy impresses others with a lot of information that the king asks him about which is revealed to be Roxy feeding him information.


I am a bit confused by something related to Tilly. Who was that man in the first film with her? If we are lead to believe that it wasn’t her father who joined the side of Valentine and died in the first film? Or is there a new king? Did anyone else notice that and get confused by that? But I believe that the person who was with Tilly in the last movie was someone unrelated to her. It is hard to keep track of.


One of Eggsy’s friends accesses his tech by accident which Eggsy notices, leading to a misunderstanding with the king. During this time, it is revealed that all of the Kingsman are taken out by missiles due to Charlie’s info with all of the addresses taken out. Poppy and Charlie are working together and he gets a new robot arm. Maybe this cold unfeeling robot arm is the parent of Zim.


Eggsy goes to where the headquarters is upon learning that nearly everyone else is dead. Merlin is alive still since his address wasn’t targeted and Eggsy is only alive since he wasn’t at home at the time. They go to where the doomsday protocol is as apparently this sort of thing has happened before once which lead to this protocol taking place. All they see is an alcohol bottle. After drinking a lot of it, they make their way to a distillery in Kentucky, having figured out the message.


While trying to find a secret way into this place, they are confronted by a man who doesn’t buy their story that they are tailors since they used tech to get in here. He knocks them out. Tied up, he thinks that they are here for a rescue mission. He pours alcohol on them and threatens to burn them. After they boldly defy this person, Harry is revealed to be alive and behind the door. At this moment, a woman named Ginger Ale comes before Harry is shot since their story checks out and it is revealed that Kingsman is the doomsday protocol for this organization like they are to Kingsman. What would happen, though, if both were taken out?


This organization is revealed to be Statesman while the man they were talking to is Tequila. While we see Harry is in there, he doesn’t remember either Eggsy or Merlin. He thinks that he still studies all sorts of butterflies. It was revealed that a year ago, Harry was taken by the Statesmen and given alpha gel to recover from his head shot. But this gave him amnesia as he reverted to his younger self. He has been stuck there as they try to find a way to recover his memories.


Poppy is revealed to have Elton John in her captivity. He has a blue rash on his face and she wants to know where he got it from. He says that it was from Angel, the new recruit. She does not like this. Back at Statesman headquarters, they talk to their leader, Champaign, who wonders who wanted to take out the Kingsman. They believe that it could be a drug cartel named Golden Circle. While Tequila is ready to take the mission right now, he has to go to sick bay since he also has this blue rash. They go with an agent named Whiskey instead.


After a brief scene with Tilly, Eggsy goes to a music festival where Charlie’s ex is at. He needs to put a tracker gel on her in order to get more intel. He has to put it on a mucus membrane and not just any part of her body so he might have to at least touch her vagina. After Whiskey tries to get her first, Eggsy does some lines with spirit animals and gets to spend time with her.


Poppy reveals more of her motivations for why she is a drug lord. (Are there women drug lords? There could be.) She says that sugar is more additive and likely to kill you than drugs, but it is legal. While she has a lot of money made from the drug business, she can’t claim credit and wants fame by making it legal. It is revealed that the golden circle might be poisoning its own members, but they can’t figure out why. Since Angel was the reason that Elton John is suffering from the new drug, Poppy gets her robot dogs to kill him. They go after Elton, but aren’t programmed to attack him as he is labeled a friend.


At the music festival with Clara, the ex of Charlie, Eggsy has doubts about getting together with her since it means that he would be cheating on Tilde. He leaves Clara for a moment to talk to Tilde which causes a rift in their relationship. He claims that he wants to be with her, but isn’t sure about marriage since as a spy, he would need to stay out of the public eye and thus can’t be a prince. She cuts communication short as he isn’t sure that he wants to go through with this. But then he notices the golden circle tattoo on Clara’s back and does what he needs to. He is not able to communicate with Tilde again as she does not yet want any further communication.


Eggsy is upset by this and setbacks to restore the memory of Harry. They already tried to drown him like the recruitment to Kingsman did with the hopes that his spy instincts would kick in and he’d be able to save himself like we saw Eggsy do in the previous movie (check the blog’s archives for this post if you have not already read it or better yet: watch the movie for yourself). But at this bar, Eggsy gets an idea on what to do to restore Harry’s memories. He brings in a dog like the kind his girlfriend got him (to replace the one that blew up in the missile explosion) or that Harry used to have and then asks if he will shoot the dog. Harry then remembers various things and the old Harry that he told Merlin wasn’t coming back is, in fact, coming back. While he wants to warn of the threat of Valentine, Eggsy tells him that there is much to catch up on.


The group spends time at a bar and a person insults Harry’s eye patch that he wears from the wound since that eye is missing. Harry seeks to teach this person some manners like in the first movie. But his coordination is off so Whiskey takes up the fight instead, showing off a special whip that these people have. Harry wonders what is off with his mind as he sees butterflies a lot and isn’t yet back to his full strength. After the fight is over, Poppy takes over the airwaves.


Under the former guise of a pharmaceutical company, Poppy reveals her true intentions as people who have used her drugs are infected with a blue rash that turns into mania or dancing before it turns into paralysis then death. But she has the cure that will prevent this. Many are now infected and she talks to the president of the United States directly asking that drugs be legalized while she and her crew get immunity from prosecution for this scheme. Some are already seen as infected like some of Eggsy’s friends and it is revealed thusly that Tequila is affected by this.


News reports delve into who Poppy is and hospitals are at full capacity. Tequila is frozen as they look for a cure. The president talks about looking like they are meeting her demands, but wants what he calls the druggies to die. Statesman has a feed on this and is convinced that they need to do this despite the fact that these drug users broke the law. Harry and Eggsy, both codenamed Callahan, both go with Whiskey to where they learn from Clara (who accidentally got herself infected) where the cure is when she calls her ex on the phone. The president declares martial law.


At this new place, Harry, who is still off with coordination, stays at the control panel to assist his team. At the ski resort in question, they find the cure, but are made when both Clara and Charlie recognize Eggsy. They seem to escape away to a gondola or device like that when Charlie overrides the system and sends them spinning. Whiskey is able to help them escape with his magic lasso, but things are still out of control until they find a way to stop in front of older people.


At the cabin where they are meeting, Eggsy and Whiskey have the antidote when people show up with guns right when Harry arrives. In this moment, Whiskey knocks down Eggsy which breaks the antidote that Eggsy was holding. While Whiskey then goes out to attack people with his lasso, Harry is convinced that the veil was dropped on purpose and that Whiskey and even all of Kingsman are corrupt. While a second round of criminals prepare to attack, Harry shots Whiskey in the head. After taking in some of the gunfire, Harry uses a special explosive. Eggsy is still mad at Harry at he uses the alpha gel on Whiskey so that he can recover from the head wound.


Eggsy wants to get back up to the resort with more of the antidote in it. Clara is still there while Charlie looks at her. Charlie blows the place up with Clara inside, which Eggsy notices. With the known antidote destroyed, Eggsy turns to the one lead that he has, the name he was called when he showed up to this place. Fox, a woman who works for the president, is effected by the drug itself.


Ginger reveals to Merlin that she wants to do more than just tech support with Whiskey having always voted against her when a position comes up. While Eggsy had told Ginger and Merlin that Whiskey was caught in the crossfire, which got Whiskey shot, Harry reveals his belief that there is corruption within the Kingsman and Merlin now knows that Harry shot Whiskey. Eggsy gets a call from Tildy which reveals that she has the blue rash. He promises to marry her as they fly off.


The president gets the demand from Poppy, but doesn’t plan to do anything to save the people. During this time, Whiskey awakes and, knowing what to do this time, has his mind fixed right away. Getting what he needs to out of Ginger, he goes to where the Kingsman agents are. On the flight there, Eggsy reveals to Harry that he is in a relationship with hints that a previous unknown woman that he lost in some way sent him in a spiral. Harry admits that one has to have someone live for to make life itself worth living in the first place.


At Poppy’s place in Cambodia, Eggsy steps on one of the landmines there. Merlin is able to switch places with him, distracting the guards and blowing up the mine, killing himself as a result in the process. At this point, the Kingsman agents go into the hideout, taking out many of the agents there. Charlie then fights with Eggsy as one of the robot dogs attacks while the other one is charging. Elton John is able to save Harry for a moment before Harry is able to take control of the situation again. Eggsy is able to take control of Charlie’s arm before he kills his once teammate who knows nothing of the code.


Alone with Poppy, they drug her and convince her to give them the code. As she dies, she gets the code in question. But Whiskey arrives and reveals that his wife died in a convenience store shootout that happened because of meth users. Since he has a personal vendetta against drugs as a result of this, he attacks both Harry and Eggsy, wanting the cure taken out and not used as a result. After a struggle, they are able to get control of the situation by killing Whiskey. This releases the cure to everyone.


In the wrap up of everything, it is revealed that the president was impeached and he is escorted out of the Oval Office and White House in handcuffs. Ginger is then promoted to being Agent Whiskey. We then see Eggsy get married to Princess Tildy in question. What appears to be a new man is seen showing up to tailor store where Kingsman is at.


That’s all for this movie. What else is there to say? A lot of people didn’t like it and I can understand some of the points. I mean, the Kingsman weren’t really a part of the film like they should be as we get Roxy taken out quite early. The resurrection of Harry, it seems, removed the states of the death that he brought to the first movie. The villain didn’t have as good a motive this time around and it kind of sucks for me to see the final fight of the movie be with someone unrelated largely to the main villain aspect of the film in question.


But I do think that this film is better than some give it credit for. I mean, we get to see a lot more of the development in the world of this franchise with more information brought up that delved into Kingsman the way we wouldn’t have otherwise. Some characters were more complicated than we are used to having in the world of these movies with clear motivations not always cut and dry who is good and bad, although some are clearly bad in the end. I like this movie and suggest you watch it to. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Cast Update 11-5-2022

It’s a good thing that the previous month’s post was the first in a while to be one that’s incomplete because this month’s post is also going to be incomplete as well. This means that I’ll have to complete the next month’s one or else I’ll have to stop doing these cast updates in the future. Let me know if I should keep the marks of what’s incomplete in the future in case you were wanting to know.


Julianna Margulies: I don’t see what else she is doing right now at the moment, but hopefully will in future posts. I didn’t find anything relating to her from this update so there’s nothing to include here in this update here in the end right now. She has a recurring role right now on The Morning Show, an Apple TV drama. It might be more of a major role, but I don’t know how much yet.


Josh Charles: He will be in something new called We Own This City. It is nice to see him doing something worth covering in this blog again as we tend to lose a lot of his updates as they just aren’t worth covering anymore. But this one is for now. He will also be in Memory and Mothers’ Instinct. He will be in The Power. And he will be in How to be Successful Without Hurting Men’s Feelings.


We Own This City: This is about Freddie Gray. It is a planned miniseries on HBO. It does not have a trailer just yet. But it is an interesting idea for something that we will hopefully see presented in the best way possible to learn more about it. It is currently out now.


Memory: It’s unknown what this is about right now as they aren’t telling us what this is about right now. There is no trailer at this point. Its year of release is 2023. We will find out more about it over time. I just hope that I don’t forget anything about it.


Mothers’ Instinct: This is another one of those typical perfect seeming life falls apart cliché that we see from time to time. It has no release date yet. It also has no trailer at this point yet either. But I might look forward to it in the event that I can see it in the end, if it even gets made at all.


The Power: I have no idea how a whole TV show is being made out of this, but apparently in this show, teenage girls develop the power to electrocute people at will. This sounds like a dark twist on the magical girls genre. It doesn’t have a release date. I have no idea what network or streaming service this might air on.


How to be Successful Without Hurting Men’s Feelings: There is nothing revealed yet about the plot of this. It has no release date yet. There is also no trailer. I have no idea what this might be about in the end.


Graham Phillips: We’ll see if we see more of him there in the future or not. Hopefully, he will be doing more than just that in the future. He is set to be in Rumble Through the Dark. This is a project that he is set to co-direct. There are no acting projects of his right now.


Rumble Through the Dark: This has no release date at the moment or trailer. It does sound like it could be interesting. It is about a fighter who wants to repay his debts to save his foster mother’s home. I guess we’ll see what it is like.


Archie Panjabi: This actress did a lot after leaving the show. She is doing Departure, mentioned more in the next part of this blog as usual. She is set to be in the third season of Snowpiercer. Another thing she will be in is Hijack.


Departure: This has been released. It is a Canadian show about the search for victims of a plane crash. It will air on the Global network that I don’t think that I’ll be able to see any time soon. But I’ll keep track of this as much as I’m able to. This is on the Peacock streaming service for those in America available now. A review now follows.


Departure: Show Description- A plane goes missing and people have to figure out what went on. Behind the Scenes- Archie Panjabi from The Good Wife and Blindspot is a character on this show. I think that she is the lead. My Thoughts- It seemed pretty good, although I’m not sure how there will be enough material for the show to last. I also have no idea how much beyond the first episode is available for free. Long Term Prospects- I don’t think that this will last, although it can. It is worth noting that since this is a Canadian show, the ratings here don’t matter. Where to Find- Available to stream on Peacock


Snowpiercer: This is a TNT TV show. I don’t know when it airs. It is about people on a train in a dystopian future. There is a lot of drama and classism. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to see this series or not. But it will remain in the updates as long as Archie remains a part of this show in the future.


Hijack: Almost nothing is yet publically revealed regarding this TV show. It has an unknown release date. It has no trailer. It doesn’t even have a plot yet. It is just marked right now as in development and that’s it. We will hopefully find out more about this later.


Christine Baranski: After rejecting various pilots and other projects in the hopes of getting a spin-off from the Good Wife, she got what was wanted and will be on a Good Wife spin-off. It is available on Paramount+ and some is on DVD. The spin-off is called The Good Fight. She’ll also be in a movie called Bad Moms’ Moms. We’ll see what becomes of that. Another thing she will be in is The Gilded Age. Yet another thing that she will be doing is Praise Petey.


The Good Fight: It will be put on and be available to watch on Paramount+ to those that want it. It is available now. Expect to see the same review over and over again for whichever people work on this from The Good Wife.


Review: Status- It is available online at Paramount+ and some is on DVD. Why I’ve seen it- If there is something in this blog that I can review, I will. Description- Diane continues her adventures starting from scratch after losing her retirement money and starting at a new firm. Pros- The show is about the same level of quality that you would expect from The Good Wife. Cons- Apparently, there is going to be a lot of nudity in it. Like the original, this show is a bit too confusing. Note to Parents- Your kids would have to pay to watch this online so if they are seeing it, then you hopefully were the ones who let that happen, although I’d lean towards not letting really young people watch this. Recommendation- Since this is only available online for money, I would actually steer clear of this unless you really like the show. I like it, but not enough to shell out too much money for it. Prediction- It is currently airing its final season right now. Reception: critically acclaimed. Grade: B.


Bad Moms’ Moms: This has no trailer and no release date just yet. It doesn’t have a plot yet outside of being the third installment of the Bad Moms franchise. I imagine this would likely relate to the end of Bad Moms Christmas. Still, I hope that they come up with a better title for it. Is there something wrong with “Bad Grandmas” as a title? This is no longer on imdb.


The Gilded Age: This is a TV show. It is out now on HBO. You might have remembered me talk about this in my TV show blog where I put it with the cancelled shows since it was never made. Well, just like with Emerald City, this has found new life again and is set to air on HBO. It is airing there now. There is a teaser for this show now:


Teaser link:


Thoughts on teaser: I wish that we could find out more about this, but I guess that we will have to wait until something else is known. It actually says more in the description of this video link than anything this teaser mentions. I hope that more can be known in the future with an official trailer and not just this one. If you don’t see one in the next post, then you might not see one at all. But this could be in the blog for a while regardless of if I’m able to see it.


Praise Petey: This is a TV series. The date of release is unknown. I have no idea where this will air. There is no trailer yet. But it does have a plot of a female from New York City who has her life come crashing down until a gift from her father changes things.


Matt Czuchry: All of this time that you’ve seen me doing updates for him in this blog, you only saw me mentioning the reboot of Gilmore Girls. Well, I can finally take that off the update list and report on something new he is finally doing. It is a TV show called The Resident.


The Resident: This is a show that is on FOX at 8/7 Central on Tuesdays. I’m not sure if there’s a better way of putting it than calling it a medical drama, which is what it would be. The main thing that would make it different is it focusing more on medicine than other shows have, according to one description that I read of it. That description may be wrong upon seeing the trailer, although I’d have to see the show to know for sure. A review of the show now follows.


The Resident: Status- Currently on FOX at 8/7 Centreal on Tuesdays. Why I’ve seen it- I watched this for my Good Wife blog and to fulfill my promise to watch a midseason replacement on FOX this season. Description- This is a medical drama that features different doctors, some new, and there are various problems at the hospital at times. It seems a rather complicated plot that is hard to sum up easily. It should make more sense as it goes along. Notable People- This has Matt Czuchry who used to star in The Good Wife and Gilmore girls. Pros- It points out the flaws that can happen in a hospital, but does it in a good way. It can seem more humanizing than most medical dramas that I’ve seen in the past. Cons- It seems similar to House. The lead can be strange and arrogant. Note to Parents- It airs with a content adversary warning in some episodes so that’s all you really need to know about it. Recommendation- I’d say that this is good to stay into if you want to. My Viewing Habits- I plan to watch this until the very end. Whether I’ll be able to see every episode or not remains to be seen. Prediction- It is hard to tell for sure this early, but I think that it might last a bit for now. Reception: mixed. Grade: B.


Makenzie Vega: She has been working since The Good Wife ended. Sadly, she hasn’t been doing that much. I haven’t been able to find something that I could review just yet. I hope that she ends up doing something good soon. Otherwise, I guess this will be one less person to worry about. She will be in something called Growing up Gorman.


Growing up Gorman- The name of this movie is based on a character from the movie. It has no release date or trailer just yet. The person in this wants to win a battle of the bands competition. We’ll see if it avoids being cliché or not.


Alan Cumming: Here’s an actor who’s known for starring in Broadway plays and productions. Perhaps you have seen him on the Tony Awards that you always watch because you can’t afford to see Broadway any other way. It looks like he has a lot of future projects in the works. He is in Bright in a Hollow Sky. There’s also a new project called Run. He’s in Marlowe. And, since he can’t possibly be doing too much at once, he will also be in My Father’s Dragon. My father didn’t have a dragon. He’s lying to me. I’m going to send him a nasty letter saying, “Where’s my father’s dragon? Why didn’t he have a dragon?” Do you think that Alan’s prepared to deal with that?


Bright in a Hollow Sky: This is a movie about people trying to find what they have lost by going on a road trip to do so. It doesn’t have a release date or trailer just yet. Hopefully it can do better than other projects where nothing seems to come from it.


Run: This has no release date, but it does have a trailer. The plot is about a man who seems to have lost something important and will try to live life in a different way from this point forward. I’m guessing that running in some way will factor into the plot. It might be out, but I can’t find much information about it right now. I don’t think that it is yet.


Trailer Link:


Thoughts on trailer: This looks very good and interesting, although I’m not sure that I can make anything out of the plot just yet. I’ll have to see what becomes of it in the future. Whatever it is, I hope to see it and want to watch it, not just out of an obligation to doing this blog in the future.


Marlowe: This is named after the last name of the character in the movie that this is. There is set for release on December 2, 2022. It has no trailer just yet. It is about a PI tasked to find a woman’s ex lover and, as usual, there is a much bigger case that winds up going on as a result. How does this have a rating when it is not out yet? No website should allow this.


My Father’s Dragon: This is set for release sometime on November 11, 2022. It is about a person who is looking for a dragon and finds much more than expected. Well, that seems like kind of an obvious plot, but I guess the movie might be good. They typically are, even if they aren’t that original in some terms of plot. This has a trailer that I will talk about now:


Trailer link:


Thoughts on trailer: This seems almost too serious to be a kid’s show even though it clearly is one. It does seem like it could be good and interesting. We’ll see if this will be a show that has its first episode for free online or not. It looks nice for sure.


Zach Grenier: Well, he’s finally doing things, such as being in a movie called The Vizitant. We’ll see what else he does over the course of time while still working. There’s nothing else worth mentioning now that I can see in this blog.


The Vizitant: This has an unknown release date. Apparently, this movie is about a defeated politician who is given the power to change the world by a mysterious entity. Perhaps the Monitor is giving him the book of destiny. Whatever will happen, I hope to find out more when there is a trailer for this. I hope for a release date soon as well.


Matthew Goode: He has been doing a lot of projects since leaving The Good Wife. I might as well get to mentioning all of them. A thing he appears to be doing is Medieval. He will also be in The Offer. Another thing he will be in is Freud’s Last Session.


Medieval: This has a DVD release time frame of December 2022. I don’t know if this is based on a true story or not. But it seems like it is about two people and how they seek to win against an army of people. They probably have people helping them with it. I’ll have to see. There is a trailer for this:


Trailer link:


Thoughts on trailer: This looks like it could be interesting and hopefully I will be able to see it sooner rather than later. I can’t gather much from the plot, but it doesn’t look like I have to as I’m already wanting to see more of this.


The Offer: This is available now on Paramount+. It is about the making of The Godfather. I haven’t seen The Godfather yet. Maybe I will some day. I wonder if one could enjoy this while not having seen The Godfather. There is a trailer for this now:


Trailer link:


Thoughts on trailer: This seems far too vague a trailer for this to look any good at all. This might be good, but the trailer clearly isn’t. I won’t know what else to say about this except that I hope it can do justice to the iconic movie and actually be interesting. This show does not look that interesting based on the trailer. But while I think that the trailer is bad, I’m just not sure if the show would be.


Freud’s Last Session: This is about Freud and C. S. Lewis doing a debate over the existence of God. There is no release date yet or trailer. It could be good, but I’m already having my doubts as only Christian films tend to get Christianity right.


Cush Jumbo: She’s doing Balestra. She will also be appearing in Criminal Record. Is that really a good career choice? Choosing to do and have criminal record in your past? That’s a joke, of course. It might not be that good of one, but it’s the one that I’m sticking with for now.


Balestra: It is hard to understand some of the plot. It has an unknown release date. It has no trailer at the moment. From what I understand, a disgraced athlete tries to do some new thing that allows her to extend her training hours but causes reality to blur.


Criminal Record: This is set for release in 2023. It will be on Apple TV+. It relates to two people fighting over a murder conviction with different factors like race involved in the polarized nation of Britain, if that is still what the country is called.


Jeffrey Dean Morgan: He is now in the cast of The Walking Dead. I wonder what else he might do over time. He’s currently also in a project called Fall. Another thing he’s doing is Isle of the Dead. That is all that I see of his for now.


The Walking Dead: This is a popular gory cable zombie drama about humans trying to save themselves from what is known as The Walking Dead, or walkers, zombies who are often the bad guys. But who else are causing problems?


Review: Status- Currently on AMC at times. Why I’ve seen it- I borrowed this on DVD from a friend in order to review it for this blog. Noteworthiness- This is adapted from comic books of the same name. Description- A man wakes up from a coma to find that he now lives in a world with zombies, his old world gone. Notable People- Jeffrey Dean Morgan, who was in The Good Wife, is now on this show. Pros- It has a good premise that works for the most part. Cons- It can be too slow moving and seem longer than it needs to be. Note to Parents- I wouldn’t let your kids watch this. Teens might be safe, but I might steer clear of that too. Recommendation- Maybe this is worth watching if you like this sort of show. I’d put it at a toss-up myself as to whether or not to watch. My Viewing Habits- I plan to watch the whole first season on DVD. Whether or not I’ll see any more after that is unknown. Prediction- This is currently airing its final season. Reception: largely positive. Grade: B-.


Fall: This project has very little known about it thus far. I don’t know yet what type of project this is about or even what it is about. It is now on DVD. Maybe I’ll find out more about this over time. Maybe I won’t. There is a trailer of this that I’ll talk about in the next post. There is a trailer for this now:


Trailer link:


Thoughts on trailer: I wish that I could like a movie like this. And maybe I could if I’m able to see this. But it just looks very dumb that they pushed themselves this far and should not have put themselves into this situation in the first place. But this could be a good survival film and I guess we’ll see if one of the women doesn’t survive.


Isle of the Dead: This is a spin-off of The Walking Dead focusing on Negan and other characters. It is set for release in 2023. It is said to only be a miniseries so we’ll see if that winds up being the case and won’t last long as a result. This has possibly been renamed to The Walking Dead: Dead City. I’ll see what the name will be later.


Robert King: Here is where we switch to writing credits. He and his wife are helping with The Good Fight. He’s also doing a TV show called Evil. He’s working on another TV show called Girls with Guns. He’s also doing Would I Lie to You? Another thing that he is doing right now is Your Honor. And he’s doing Happy Face. That’s a lot of projects.


The Good Fight: It will be put on and be available to watch on Paramount+ to those that want it. It is available now. Expect to see the same review over and over again for whichever people work on this from The Good Wife.


Review: Status- It is available online only at Paramount+. I’ll let you know if it is released on DVD. Why I’ve seen it- If there is something in this blog that I can review, I will. Description- Diane continues her adventures starting from scratch after losing her retirement money and starting at a new firm. Pros- The show is about the same level of quality that you would expect from The Good Wife. Cons- Apparently, there is going to be a lot of nudity in it. Like the original, this show is a bit too confusing. Note to Parents- Your kids would have to pay to watch this online so if they are seeing it, then you hopefully were the ones who let that happen, although I’d lean towards not letting really young people watch this. Recommendation- Since this is only available online for money, I would actually steer clear of this unless you really like the show. I like it, but not enough to shell out too much money for it. Prediction- It is currently airing its final season right now. Reception: critically acclaimed. Grade: B.


Evil: This looks like it could be interesting. People investigate the supernatural in this show in the typical one woman, two men set up. This is currently streaming its second season now. We’ll see how long it might last beyond its current known run.


Evil: Status- Currently streaming its third season. Why I’ve seen it- I watched this to review it for a blog. Description- A woman and others have to deal with the idea of what makes one evil and if there are supernatural abilities behind it or not. Notable People- This is created by Robert and Michelle King who also did The Good Wife, The Good Fight, and BrainDead. It stars Michael Emerson from Person of Interest, Lost, and Arrow. Pros- It has a lot to offer in terms of understanding the human mind. Cons- It might be too mysterious at some points in the long term. I just hope they decide whether or not to include supernatural elements for sure at some point. Note to Parents- This is probably not something that you want your kids watching. Recommendation- I’d say that this is pretty good to watch. My Viewing Habits- I had planned to see as much of this as I can and have watched since the first episode aired. With it now on streaming, I doubt that I’ll be able to watch any new episodes of this again. Prediction- I might last if the good streaming numbers keep up. Otherwise, it will be toast pretty soon after that. Reception: positive. Grade: B-.


Girls with Guns: Not much is known about this right now. I don’t even see a plot of this mentioned right now. What I do know is that it might air on Paramount+. It is unknown when this is coming out. I could not find out more information upon further research as I doubt google would be helpful with this.


Would I Lie to You?: In this show, people are told stories and they have to tell reality and fiction apart. This is currently on the CW and on hiatus. We’ll see if it returns or not in the future. I do know that we have the UK version supposedly coming this season. Enjoy this review of it:


Would I Lie to You?: Status- Currently on hiatus. It is on again right after that. Why I’ve seen it- I reviewed it for another blog of mine and also watch a new CW show at least once. Noteworthiness- This is an adaptation of a British show of the same name. Description- Two teams of three discuss various stories and they have to figure out whether or not it is a lie or the truth. Notable People- It is produced by Robert and Michelle King who have been showrunners of The Good Wife, The Good Fight, BrainDead, and Evil, among other things. Pros- This seems good enough to keep up with at times. It is an acceptable form of entertainment. It is funny at times. Cons- I know that there are problems such as this not being as funny as it could be. The most notable problem is that the panel can be won before the first commercial break, making the rest of the show rather worthless. Note to Parents- There might be some issues here and there, but this is a pretty acceptable show for kids to watch. Recommendation- Take it or leave it. It might work better if you don’t have any plans at that time on that day of the week. But you aren’t missing much if you don’t see it at all. My Viewing Habits- I may watch it some here and there, but won’t care too much if I don’t see it much, if at all. Prediction- This might last. On a network like this, it could easily keep airing over and over again. I, personally, don’t think that it will last, but it just as easily could so I won’t know for sure. I think that it is more likely to fail than to last. Reception: mixed. Grade: C.


Your Honor: I forget if I mentioned this show before but got confused by it. But this is a show that is currently airing somewhere, even though it is on hiatus right now. It is a courtroom drama that is renewed for season 2.


Happy Face: This is a TV show. I have no idea what network this would air on. It has an unknown airdate right now. In this show, we learn that a child discovers that her father is a serial killer. This could be interesting, but it better avoid being anything like what Prodigal Son wound up being like.


Michelle King: Since she is married to the previous person, it would appear that she would probably have the same projects in the works as her husband. This section may be redundant since any similar projects that these people have would be the same thing and thus have the same information. She is working on The Good Fight. She’s also doing Evil and Girls with Guns. She will also be involved with Would I Lie to You? She’s doing Your Honor as well. Yet another thing she’s doing is Happy Face.


The Good Fight: It will be put on and be available to watch on Paramount+ to those that want it. It is available now. Expect to see the same review over and over again for whichever people work on this from The Good Wife.


Review: Status- It is available online only at Paramount+. I’ll let you know if it is released on DVD. Why I’ve seen it- If there is something in this blog that I can review, I will. Description- Diane continues her adventures starting from scratch after losing her retirement money and starting at a new firm. Pros- The show is about the same level of quality that you would expect from The Good Wife. Cons- Apparently, there is going to be a lot of nudity in it. Like the original, this show is a bit too confusing. Note to Parents- Your kids would have to pay to watch this online so if they are seeing it, then you hopefully were the ones who let that happen, although I’d lean towards not letting really young people watch this. Recommendation- Since this is only available online for money, I would actually steer clear of this unless you really like the show. I like it, but not enough to shell out too much money for it. Prediction- It is currently airing its final season right now. Reception: critically acclaimed. Grade: B.


Evil: This looks like it could be interesting. People investigate the supernatural in this show in the typical one woman, two men set up. This is currently streaming its third season now. We’ll see how long it might last beyond its current known run.


Evil: Status- Currently streaming its third season. Why I’ve seen it- I watched this to review it for a blog. Description- A woman and others have to deal with the idea of what makes one evil and if there are supernatural abilities behind it or not. Notable People- This is created by Robert and Michelle King who also did The Good Wife, The Good Fight, and BrainDead. It stars Michael Emerson from Person of Interest, Lost, and Arrow. Pros- It has a lot to offer in terms of understanding the human mind. Cons- It might be too mysterious at some points in the long term. I just hope they decide whether or not to include supernatural elements for sure at some point. Note to Parents- This is probably not something that you want your kids watching. Recommendation- I’d say that this is pretty good to watch. My Viewing Habits- I had planned to see as much of this as I can and have watched since the first episode aired. With it now on streaming, I doubt that I’ll be able to watch any new episodes of this again. Prediction- I might last if the good streaming numbers keep up. Otherwise, it will be toast pretty soon after that. Reception: positive. Grade: B-.


Girls with Guns: Not much is known about this right now. I don’t even see a plot of this mentioned right now. What I do know is that it might air on Paramount+. It is unknown when this is coming out. This will likely be about girls with guns. But more of a plot beyond that is unknown.


Would I Lie to You?: In this show, people are told stories and they have to tell reality and fiction apart. This is currently on the CW and on hiatus. We’ll see if it returns or not in the future. I do know that we have the UK version supposedly coming this season. Enjoy this review of it:


Would I Lie to You?: Status- Currently on hiatus. It is on again right after that. Why I’ve seen it- I reviewed it for another blog of mine and also watch a new CW show at least once. Noteworthiness- This is an adaptation of a British show of the same name. Description- Two teams of three discuss various stories and they have to figure out whether or not it is a lie or the truth. Notable People- It is produced by Robert and Michelle King who have been showrunners of The Good Wife, The Good Fight, BrainDead, and Evil, among other things. Pros- This seems good enough to keep up with at times. It is an acceptable form of entertainment. It is funny at times. Cons- I know that there are problems such as this not being as funny as it could be. The most notable problem is that the panel can be won before the first commercial break, making the rest of the show rather worthless. Note to Parents- There might be some issues here and there, but this is a pretty acceptable show for kids to watch. Recommendation- Take it or leave it. It might work better if you don’t have any plans at that time on that day of the week. But you aren’t missing much if you don’t see it at all. My Viewing Habits- I may watch it some here and there, but won’t care too much if I don’t see it much, if at all. Prediction- This might last. On a network like this, it could easily keep airing over and over again. I, personally, don’t think that it will last, but it just as easily could so I won’t know for sure. I think that it is more likely to fail than to last. Reception: mixed. Grade: C.


Your Honor: I forget if I mentioned this show before but got confused by it. But this is a show that is currently airing somewhere, even though it is on hiatus right now. It is a courtroom drama that is renewed for season 2. This airs on Showtime.


Happy Face: This is a TV show. I have no idea what network this would air on. It has an unknown airdate right now. In this show, we learn that a child discovers that her father is a serial killer. This could be interesting, but it better avoid being anything like what Prodigal Son wound up being like.


Erica Tazel: This former Good Fight actress has projects in the works. I look forward to seeing what I can of her work in the future. She is in The Devil You Know. She will also be in Heart of a Lion. And the wings of a bat/ because it’s midnight!


The Devil You Know: In this movie, a man has to try to make things right for himself after spiraling one way and not going back to his dark ways of the past or something like that. It is on DVD now. There is a trailer for this now:


Trailer link:


Thoughts on trailer: I can’t really ever like trailers like this that are too vague while at the same time also trying to be grandiose. The movie might be good, but I can’t really make much of an original plot out of this and can only hope that the film is better.


Heart of a Lion: This is set for release on March 31, 2023. It is about George Foreman. That is all that I really know about it at this moment. There’s nothing else really to say and talk about. I just want this paragraph to be a certain length.


Poppy Montgomery: I don’t know if she acts less now than she used to. We’ll see what she does. She does not have any projects in the works as of this post. Maybe this will change by a future post. For now, there is nothing else new for this part.


Jaimie Alexander: After not being in the third Thor movie, she will be returning for the fourth one, Thor: Love and Thunder. It’s about time that I can finally include parts of the MCU in this or any of my blogs. You might see me review every MCU film now at some point, or at least the ones relevant to Thor which will include the first three Thor movies and more than likely the first four Avengers movies. Another thing that she will be in is The Minute You Wake up Dead.


Thor: Love and Thunder: This is on DVD now. There isn’t much of a plot known to this yet. I have no idea what the conflict would be based on the title. But I look forward to the film and will now have to get a bunch of other MCU films on DVD and finally get caught up on what I haven’t seen of the franchise at some point. There is a trailer for this now:


Teaser link:


Thoughts on trailer: I would like to know more about this than this teaser gives, so I guess I’ll have to wait until the full fledged trailer is out sometime. From what I can understand and make sense of the trailer, here are some key details: 1- Thor is retired, 2- The Guardians of the Galaxy are in this but how much, for how long, and what all is just to set up their next movie remains unknown, 3- Thor has a new love interest? What? 4- It seems that Jane is set to be the new Thor as expected to anyone who knew anything about this so far. And that’s about it for now.


Catch up on Thor by watching this:


Counterpoint to the previous video:


Catch up on Thor: The Dark World by watching this:


Counterpoint to the previous video:


Catch up on Thor: Ragnarok by watching this:


Counterpoint to the previous video:


A different counterpoint to the CinemaSins video on Thor Ragnarok:


The Minute You Wake up Dead: This doesn’t have a trailer yet. It is expected for release sometime in 2022. This is about a person who gets involved in scams that lead to murders. And that’s all that I can know about it at the moment.


Enrique Murciano: He is doing The Night Agent. Maybe there will be more in the future. He is also set to be in Miranda’s Victim. That’s about it for now at this point in time. We’ll see what else he will do in the future besides that.


The Night Agent: This is a planned Netflix series. It is set for release in 2022. It does have a plot: a person low on the FBI totem pole suddenly is thrust into a conspiracy that leads all the way to the White House. That’s a better way of phrasing it than the grammatically incorrect way it is currently described on imdb, which might be a sentence fragment in the end.


Miranda’s Victim: This is the true story of the crime that lead to Miranda rights from the side of the person he kidnapped and raped before successfully gaslighting the country into making us think that he was the victim. This has no release date yet or trailer.


Hugh Bonneville: This actor from Downton Abbey will be the first of any people from that show to be covered in this blog here. (That show is on my second list of things to watch right now, but I have not yet been able to watch it.) Anyways, he has lots of things in the works right now. A thing that he’s doing is Bernie’s Gift. He’ll also be in The Amazing Maurice. And he’ll also be in I Came By. Something else he will be in is Banking on Mr. Toad. He will be in Bank of Dave. Another thing he’ll be in is The Gold.


Bernie’s Gift: This has no release date or trailer right now. The plot sounds complicated from what I understand of it online. This relates to a man recruiting two people in order to go on an adventure of sorts relating to food and other things.


The Amazing Maurice: This is set for release on January 6, 2023. This seems to be a take on the pied piper story from a previously unseen cat’s perspective. I hope that they can improve on this fucked up story that kids are told for no good reason. There is not yet a trailer for this.


I Came By: This is available now. The plot is about someone who does graffiti that discovers a secret that could harm him and others. It does not sound too original, but could be interesting. I might never know. It is a Netflix film. There’s a trailer for this film out now that I might as well get to:


Trailer link:


Thoughts on trailer: While this does seem kind of interesting, this type of trailer is starting to seem very run of the mill and ordinary that it is hard for me to separate it from other things that look like it. Even the exciting music seems reused. It could be a good film, but also seems too generic at times.


Banking on Mr. Toad: This doesn’t have a trailer yet. It is set to be out sometime in 2022. This seems like Finding Neverland, but with a different work of fiction: Wind in the Willows. We will learn how this book came to be while delving into the personal life of the writer of it and his family.


Bank of Dave: This has no known plot yet that is revealed. It has an unknown release date and also no trailer at the time. There is a character named Dave in this so this probably will be about him and a bank relating to him.


The Gold: This has no release date yet. In this, we learn about Britain’s investigations into criminal activity. There is no trailer yet and not much else to say about this. Will this be like a documentary like Dateline or will it be a scripted series based on actual events? That is the one thing that I’d like to know right now regarding this show.


Sullivan Stapleton: He is set to do After the Verdict. That’s all that I can see of his for the moment. I do not know what else he might do over time. But I have to wait and see what all else he will do at the moment once and as it happens.


After the Verdict: This is out now. It is about four people and their lives relating to a high profile murder trial. I don’t yet know where this is airing or streaming, but I do plan to watch if I can as it could be interesting. There’s a trailer for this:


Trailer link:


Thoughts on trailer: There is far too much in this trailer for me to keep track of all that is going down. I don’t know if this is based off of a true story or not. I don’t think that it is. It could be a good thing, but I won’t know much because I probably won’t be able to see this at all. It could be good. It could be too drawn out and boring.


Hank Steinberg: He has no projects known in the works right now. I hope to see more from him in the future. We’ll see if more happens or not. He might appear at some point in time in something, but this has not happened yet.


Jessica Brown Findlay: She’s in a lot of projects. One is called Whatever After. A second is Life after Life. A third thing is Flatshare. And that’s all for now. We’ll see what, if anything, becomes of all of them. There is not much else that I see of hers now.


Whatever After: This has no release date yet. It also has no plot. It is a miniseries of some sort. What else is there for me to say about it? I’m unsure. Hopefully more about this will be known over time. One can only hope that it will.


Life after Life: Based on a book, this TV show is about a woman who keeps dying and being reborn over and over again, living out different lives in the end. It is out now. It airs on BBC. There is a trailer for this. There’s not much else to talk about this.


Trailer link:


Thoughts on trailer: This looks like it could be interesting. It doesn’t look much like anything stand out and you can’t really tell that there is much different about it. But I do think that you can tell that it might be worth watching in the end.


Flatshare: This has no plot mentioned yet on imdb. If I had to guess, it would involve there being something like a place where people live and some story there. But would it be a drama, comedy, or something else entirely? It has no release date or trailer yet. This is set to air on Paramount+ at least in the UK. There isn’t much else to mention about it. There is a trailer for this now:


Trailer link:


Thoughts on trailer: Well, this looks weird and obvious at the same time. Too much of it seems focused on just how odd it is and the same things that it does focus on. I can’t tell if I would like this or not.


Marianne Jean-Baptiste: She has acted a lot ever since Without a Trace ended. I’ll see through time what else she appears in. She will be in Rumble Through the Dark. She’ll also be in The Following Events are Based on a Pack of Lies. Another thing that she is in right now is Surface.


Rumble Through the Dark: I can’t make as much sense out of the plot even after reading it on imbd as it seems to relate to someone trying to save the home of his foster mother and perhaps his family too. It has no release date at this moment.


The Following Events are Based on a Pack of Lies: This has no release date or trailer yet. It is about Trump’s claims regarding the 2020 election that still has yet to be proven over a year later. I’m sorry. It’s actually about a man who is trying to destroy two different women who are different from each other. That’s not the best way of phrasing it though.


Surface: This is a TV show about a woman’s suicide attempt and what lead up to that moment. It is out now on Apple TV+. There is a trailer for this that I will talk some about. There’s not much else to talk about besides that.


Trailer link:


Thoughts on trailer: While this does look like something that I’d want to see, it also looks kind of obvious in some places. At the risk of potentially spoiling this, I think that it is clear that the following things happened: 1- someone kidnapped this woman then tried to kill her making it seem like she is someone else and her whole life right now is a lie, 2- her “husband’ is clearly evil, 3- we have no idea who, if anyone, in her life, she can trust, 4- it will take a very long time to reveal all of this in the show so enjoy everything being very long and drawn out to get to the obvious point which I think I have and know already. But am I right?


Ukweli Roach: I’m honestly not sure what he is currently in. Potential projects of his that might be on TV are The Midwich Cuckoos and Annika. But none of them are getting sections in this blog yet since I’m just not sure if he has a major or long term role in any of these right now anymore.


Mary Elizabeth Winstead: She has two projects in the works right now. The first is Ahsoka. The second is Ursa Major. We’ll see what else this actress from BrainDead does in the future with her now in this blog. She’s not doing anything else just yet.


Ahsoka: This is yet another Star Wars TV show. Remember when these were movies? This will be streaming on Disney+. It is about a character originally from The Clone Wars who later appeared in The Mandalorian and is now getting her own show. It is set to premiere on March 12, 2023.


Ursa Major: I believe that this is a movie. It has no release date or trailer yet. It is about a mother and daughter who have to survive on an alien planet while also hiding from people who are hunting them. It sounds interesting in my mind.


Laura Carmichael: She is currently in The Secrets She Keeps. I’m not sure what that is about, but I guess that I can’t know just yet. Any other secrets of hers, such as what other projects she is doing right now, are currently under wraps.


The Secrets She Keeps: The plot on imdb makes this seem confusing. It talks about the chance encounter that two pregnant women have outside a supermarket outside of Sydney. I could watch the trailer for this, but don’t see a point right now. It is out now.




Currently on TV- The Walking Dead (on AMC), Your Honor (unknown time on unknown network), Snowpiercer (on TNT), We Own This City, After the Verdict, The Secrets She Keeps, Fall (on DVD)


Currently streaming- Departure (on Peacock), Evil (on Paramount+), The Good Fight (on Paramount+), The Gilded Age (on HBO Max), The Offer (on Paramount+), Surface (on Apple TV+), I Came By (on Netflix), The Resident (on FOX at 8/7 Central on Tuesdays)


Currently on hiatus: Would I Lie to You?


Out now: Life after Life, The Devil You Know (on DVD), Medieval (in theaters), Thor: Love and Thunder (on DVD)


November 11, 2022- My Father’s Dragon


December 2, 2022- Marlowe


Unknown December of 2022- Medieval (DVD release date)


Unknown 2022- The Minute You Wake up Dead, The Night Agent


January 6, 2023- The Amazing Maurice


March 12, 2023- Ahsoka


March 31, 2023- Heart of a Lion


Unknown 2023- Memory, Isle of the Dead, Criminal Record


Unknown year- Bright in a Hollow Sky, Girls with Guns, Bad Moms’ Moms, Run, The Summer People, Growing up Gorman, The Vizitant, Whatever After, Balestra, Flatshare, Rumble Through the Dark, Praise Petey, Bank of Dave, The Following Events are Based on a Pack of Lies, Hijack, The Gold, Mothers’ Instinct, Miranda’s Victim, The Power, Freud’s Last Session, Ursa Major, How to be Successful Without Hurting Men’s Feelings


I have decided that starting in this post, I will be covering an election calendar in this blog from this point forward in all of the cast updates at the very end. This is partially in conjunction with the election countdowns that I do on facebook. But I will include more here than there when I deem it needed. Now let’s get to it. All dates are Tuesdays unless otherwise mentioned.


November 8, 2022- general election, Louisiana hybrid primaries


December 6, 2022- Georgia runoffs


December 10, 2022 (Saturday)- Louisiana runoffs


January 2, 2023 (Monday)- Mark Brnovich’s last day in office


January 3, 2023- last day in office of Richard Burr, Rob Portman, Richard Shelby, Van Taylor, Louie Gohmert, Fred Keller, Jim Inhofe, Roy Blunt, Bob Gibbs, Steven Palazzo, Tom Rice, Billy Long, Vicky Hartzler, Anthony Gonzalez, Mo Brooks, Madison Cawthorn, Chris Jacobs, Jody Hice, and Pat Tommey


January 5, 2023 (Thursday)- last day in office of Doug Peterson and Pete Ricketts


January 9, 2023 (Monday)- Derek Schmidt’s last day as attorney general


January 10, 2023- Leslie Rutledge’s last day as attorney general


November 7, 2023- general election


November 5, 2024- general election


January 13, 2025 (Monday)- Mike Parson’s last day in office


November 4, 2025- general election


November 3, 2026- general election