Friday, January 28, 2022

Politics: The Extremists of Supreme Court Vacancies

Well, I had today’s post all planned, written, and ready to be published, but the announcement of Supreme Court justice Stephen Breyer’s retirement made me go back to following a rule that I have. You see, whenever there is a vacancy on the Supreme Court, I have to talk about it in the political section of one of my blogs. This blog was the next in line to be updated politically before I was going to get back to doing one in my Madam Secretary blog. Thus, I will be doing this topic in this blog instead of what I was doing until sometime after the vacancy is filled.


One can hope that without Republicans in control of the presidency or the senate that things can be better with the judicial process. Indeed, they started packing the courts during the end of the Obama administration by not confirming many of his nominees and then they have the audacity to accuse Democrats of wanting to pack the court. That’s the sad Republican motto: do the very things that you accuse your opponents of doing. Well, Republicans have many mottos, but when it comes to vacancies on the Supreme Court, they are more extreme now than they ever had been before.


Since the 1970s, there has been a conservative majority on the Supreme Court. Despite all of the other changes with who controlled the rest of government, it was quite clear to those that paid attention that it would likely be the conservatives in control of most of the highest decisions in the land and a majority would stick with whatever laws needed to be done.


Now this wasn’t always the case. There were notable moderates on the court. Indeed, there was a Democratic senate and a Republican presidency going on when Anthony Kennedy was confirmed to the Supreme Court during an election year. It might not have meant much at the time because the Republican president at the time, Ronald Reagan, was replaced by another Republican president. But it is worth noting what could happen if there is ever a Republican president and Democratic majority senate again.


But things got worse in terms of how the court would work. Despite being accused of sexual harassment, Clarence Thomas was confirmed to the Supreme Court and is now the longest tenured of all of the justices.


After the Supreme Court decided an election, it had the potential to taint any justice that we would see that president appoint. What people don’t point out regarding this is that despite the fact that Bush lost the popular vote the first time he was elected president, he did not put any justice on the court until after he won reelection with the popular vote.


During Obama’s term, it didn’t seem likely for a while that there would be any issues with the courts, be it the Supreme Court or any others. The votes for justices kept looking largely party line, though, with few people from the other party voting in favor of it.


But then it seemed like the Republican majority on the court was in serious danger. There was now a four to four split with Democrats getting their chance to finally reclaim a majority after decades without one.


Of course, Republicans couldn’t have this so they refused to hold hearing on this nominee. Then they went nuclear to ensure that they could put someone on the court. The extremeness which now became normal continued when Republicans jumped through hoops in order to say why someone accused of sexual assault shouldn’t have this moment of their matter. Then, they threw their own rule over election year vacancies into the garbage because they no longer got any benefit from it. They have no creditability after this.


What makes this even worse is that they have made the 2016, 2018, and 2020 elections all have the Supreme Court as a central issue to it. We don’t need that happening again. This might be why Stephen Breyer chose to retire now, even if the vacancy will be for later.


Still, this creates other issues and history worth remembering. Lyndon Johnson was wanting to put in people on the court before he left office, but the people he was wanting to replace never vacated their seats until after he was out of office. I think that there might have been some people nominated for them, but there either wasn’t any hearings or these people were voted down if there were hearings for them at all.


Thus, it was Richard Nixon who got to put people on the Supreme Court such as a new chief justice and plenty of other associate ones. It wouldn’t be until the Clinton administration that a Democrat would get to put someone new on the Supreme Court since Carter never got anyone on there. It was only due to flukes that some Republicans during this time wound up appointing liberal judges to the court.


What people should realize when it comes to nominations late in presidency is that there was a precedent made all the way back in the John Adams administration that should have been the set rule that happened from that moment forward. He had lost reelection yet was still able to put a justice on the Supreme Court. And it wasn’t just any justice. It was the chief justice.


Of course, Republicans are going to fluctuate and say whatever they want to in order to support their current beliefs especially if it contradicts a previous belief that they had. And things are always going to be bad if they have the senate. Thankfully, they don’t now. But they could get it again. This is why we need to somehow get this to end.


We need to remember some of what Lindsey Graham has said about the court as he has said a lot of contradictory things about this. He talked at the Kavanaugh hearings about how he felt that presidents should have their nominees voted on. He even mentioned the fact that he had voted for both Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan. But he can’t be in favor of borking Merrick Garland as a Supreme Court nominee and try to claim this side still. And we all know that he turned on his own words being used against him in regards to the 2020 vacancy. This is what he had said in 2016:


I want you to use my words against me. If there’s a Republican president in 2016 and a vacancy occurs in the last year of the first term, you can say, “Lindsey Graham said, ‘Let’s let the next president, whoever it might be, make that nomination,’” and you could use my words against me, and you’d be absolutely right.


As Republicans continue to politicize the courts while making people believe that the Democrats are actually the ones doing this, we can only hope that this year’s vacancy can be better in the way it is handled. We can also hope that things can go back to normal if that’s even possible in some way, shape, or form. I doubt that it will, but we’ll see how this vacancy process goes.

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Politics: Why Republicans Love Fighting Yesterday’s Battles

As Trump and plenty of others continue their grand delusions that the 2020 election was stolen from him, I figure like it is worth doing a post on the whole phenomenon that you see like this. They love fighting yesterday’s battle. I figure that I might as well do a post explaining why.

You see, when Republicans feel that there is some wrong done to them or by Democrats at some point in the past, they will dwell on this and fight this battle for as long as they want to. It is a way of enraging their base. How dare they! Remember how this thing happened? This was such a horrible wrong! Why should they still be allowed to get away with this?

One of the best examples of this might be Hillary Clinton’s emails. Even though she has since been cleared of that scandal in something that sadly barely made the news, they are going to focus on any and all of her wrongs. They want to make it clear that hey, aren’t you glad that she was never president? And they will then ignore, defend, or outright refuse to believe anything wrong that Trump did ever in his lifetime.

This is part of how we still wind up with people trying to change the results of the presidential election in 2020. Trump lost. And badly too. But people won’t believe it. They keep trying to get there to be some magical change in the results over a year later. There will never be any proof that the election was rigged. Trump never mentioned any evidence in any of his lawsuits since he doesn’t have any at all. That’s why nearly all of them failed. The polls had Trump losing to generic Democrat in all of the polls save for one from 2017 until Biden was the nominee. Trump never had a positive approval rating his entire presidency, something that no other president can claim. And yet we are thinking that only something being rigged would cause him to lose?

There’s a major problem with this flawed thinking by Republicans. The more they stay focused on the battles of the past, the more likely they won’t win the fights of the future. If they can’t stay focused on the now or what will come, they will always be dwelling in the past. And they will never move past things as they continue on like some petty person who always complains about the same thing that no one can change.

While this will always be a petty thing of conservatives to do, we are more than free to let them do it. After all, we as Democrats can be focused on moving forward and trying to focus more on things that are going to happen in the future with doing more good in the world. They can all be obsessed with not moving on and constantly being upset over long ago things and we can all be focused on the here and now while we seek to improve the world at hand.

Friday, January 7, 2022

Cast Update 1-7-2022

It is hard for me to tell much about what’s going on with things in the world. I’m hoping that I’ll have time to see and get caught up on all of the movies that I’m behind on. I just might not have all of the weekends free that I want to over time. But I might be able to see more and more movies over time that are now out on DVD, if someone else isn’t seeing it first. I missed seeing far too much of these movies in theaters. I hope that I can see all of them over time and not just for this blog. Let’s hope for the best.


Spin-off information- My review of the spin-off will follow later in this post. It will probably stay for as long as the show is still on. If the show leaves the air, then I’ll probably cut it. I did create a blog for it. I guess that I will just have to keep you updated on when it might be released in the future.


Link to blog about it:


Julianna Margulies: I don’t see what else she is doing right now at the moment, but hopefully will in future posts. I didn’t find anything relating to her from this update so there’s nothing to include here in this update here in the end right now. She has a recurring role right now on The Morning Show, an Apple TV drama. It might be more of a major role, but I don’t know how much yet.


Josh Charles: He will be in something new called We Own This City. It is nice to see him doing something worth covering in this blog again as we tend to lose a lot of his updates as they just aren’t worth covering anymore. But this one is for now.


We Own This City: This is about Freddie Gray. It is a planned miniseries on HBO. It does not have a trailer just yet. But it is an interesting idea for something that we will hopefully see presented in the best way possible to learn more about it. It currently has a release year of 2022.


Graham Phillips: We’ll see if we see more of him there in the future or not. Hopefully, he will be doing more than just that in the future. He is set to be in Keeper of the Cup. I hope that he does more over time, although what he has done, I haven’t been able to see.


Keeper of the Cup: This is about disappointed fans of the Toronto Maple Leafs. It has no release date or trailer just yet. I can’t tell that much about it just yet. But I do think that this could be a heist film, but that isn’t yet clear.


Archie Panjabi: This actress did a lot after leaving the show. She is doing Departure, mentioned more in the next part of this blog as usual. She also appears to be in something called Fairytale. She is set to be in the third season of Snowpiercer.


Departure: This has been released. It is a Canadian show about the search for victims of a plane crash. It will air on the Global network that I don’t think that I’ll be able to see any time soon. But I’ll keep track of this as much as I’m able to. This is on the Peacock streaming service for those in America available now. A review now follows.


Departure: Show Description- A plane goes missing and people have to figure out what went on. Behind the Scenes- Archie Panjabi from The Good Wife and Blindspot is a character on this show. I think that she is the lead. My Thoughts- It seemed pretty good, although I’m not sure how there will be enough material for the show to last. I also have no idea how much beyond the first episode is available for free. Long Term Prospects- I don’t think that this will last, although it can. It is worth noting that since this is a Canadian show, the ratings here don’t matter. Where to Find- Available to stream on Peacock


Fairytale: This has no release date or trailer at this time. It is about a romantic story that is based off of real people in some way. I have no idea yet what the title has to do with the story, but will wait and see what movie might be like.


Snowpiercer: This is a TNT TV show. I don’t know when it airs. It is about people on a train in a dystopian future. There is a lot of drama and classism. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to see this series or not. But it will remain in the updates as long as Archie remains a part of this show in the future.


Christine Baranski: After rejecting various pilots and other projects in the hopes of getting a spin-off from the Good Wife, she got what was wanted and will be on a Good Wife spin-off. It will only be available on CBS All Access (and hopefully DVDs in the future). The spin-off is called The Good Fight. She’ll also be in a movie called Bad Moms’ Moms. We’ll see what becomes of that. Another thing she will be in is The Gilded Age. That might be it for now.


The Good Fight: It will be put on and be available to watch on Paramount+ to those that want it. It is available now. Expect to see the same review over and over again for whichever people work on this from The Good Wife.


Review: Status- It is available online at Paramount+ and some is on DVD. Why I’ve seen it- If there is something in this blog that I can review, I will. Description- Diane continues her adventures starting from scratch after losing her retirement money and starting at a new firm. Pros- The show is about the same level of quality that you would expect from The Good Wife. Cons- Apparently, there is going to be a lot of nudity in it. Like the original, this show is a bit too confusing. Note to Parents- Your kids would have to pay to watch this online so if they are seeing it, then you hopefully were the ones who let that happen, although I’d lean towards not letting really young people watch this. Recommendation- Since this is only available online for money, I would actually steer clear of this unless you really like the show. I like it, but not enough to shell out too much money for it. Prediction- This could last a while if people keep using the subscription service to watch it. It will be hard to tell for sure as it goes along. Reception: critically acclaimed. Grade: B.


Bad Moms’ Moms: This has no trailer and no release date just yet. It doesn’t have a plot yet outside of being the third installment of the Bad Moms franchise. I imagine this would likely relate to the end of Bad Moms Christmas. Still, I hope that they come up with a better title for it. Is there something wrong with “Bad Grandmas” as a title?


The Gilded Age: This is a TV show set to be out on January 24, 2022. This will air on HBO. You might have remembered me talk about this in my TV show blog where I put it with the cancelled shows since it was never made and never brought to series. Well, just like with Emerald City, this has found new life again and is set to air on HBO. There is a teaser for this show now:


Teaser link:


Thoughts on teaser: I wish that we could find out more about this, but I guess that we will have to wait until something else is known. It actually says more in the description of this video link than anything this teaser mentions. I hope that more can be known in the future with an official trailer and not just this one. If you don’t see one in the next post, then you might not see one at all. But this could be in the blog for a while regardless of if I’m able to see it.


Matt Czuchry: All of this time that you’ve seen me doing updates for him in this blog, you only saw me mentioning the reboot of Gilmore Girls. Well, I can finally take that off the update list and report on something new he is finally doing. It is a TV show called The Resident.


The Resident: This is a show that is on at 8/7 Central on Tuesdays on FOX. I’m not sure if there’s a better way of putting it than calling it a medical drama, which is what it would be. The main thing that would make it different is it focusing more on medicine than other shows have, according to one description that I read of it. That description may be wrong upon seeing the trailer, although I’d have to see the show to know for sure. A review of the show now follows.


The Resident: Status- Currently on 8/7 Central on FOX on Tuesdays. Why I’ve seen it- I watched this for my Good Wife blog and to fulfill my promise to watch a midseason replacement on FOX this season. Description- This is a medical drama that features different doctors, some new, and there are various problems at the hospital at times. It seems a rather complicated plot that is hard to sum up easily. It should make more sense as it goes along. Notable People- This has Matt Czuchry who used to star in The Good Wife and Gilmore girls. Pros- It points out the flaws that can happen in a hospital, but does it in a good way. It can seem more humanizing than most medical dramas that I’ve seen in the past. Cons- It seems similar to House. The lead can be strange and arrogant. Note to Parents- It airs with a content adversary warning in some episodes so that’s all you really need to know about it. Recommendation- I’d say that this is good to stay into if you want to. My Viewing Habits- I plan to watch this until the very end. Whether I’ll be able to see every episode or not remains to be seen. Prediction- It is hard to tell for sure this early, but I think that it might last a bit for now. Reception: mixed. Grade: B.


Makenzie Vega: She has been working since The Good Wife ended. Sadly, she hasn’t been doing that much. I haven’t been able to find something that I could review just yet. I hope that she ends up doing something good soon. Otherwise, I guess this will be one less person to worry about. She will be in something called Growing up Gorman.


Growing up Gorman- The name of this movie is based on a character from the movie. It has no release date or trailer just yet. The person in this wants to win a battle of the bands competition. We’ll see if it avoids being cliché or not.


Alan Cumming: Here’s an actor who’s known for starring in Broadway plays and productions. Perhaps you have seen him on the Tony Awards that you always watch because you can’t afford to see Broadway any other way. It looks like he has a lot of future projects in the works. He is in Bright in a Hollow Sky. Yet another thing that he appears to be doing is a TV movie called Going Back. There’s also a new project called Run. He might also be in a show called The Prince. That’s a lot of projects to keep track of. He will also be in Everything I Ever Wanted to Tell My Daughter about Men. And another thing that he seems to be doing is called Schmigadoon! One last thing he’s in now is Marlowe.


Bright in a Hollow Sky: This is a movie about people trying to find what they have lost by going on a road trip to do so. It doesn’t have a release date or trailer just yet. Hopefully it can do better than other projects where nothing seems to come from it.


Going Back- This does not have a release date or trailer just yet. It focuses on a man who creates a frenzy by pretending to be a teenager. It seems to be set in Scotland, so that might be where it might be released. Hopefully, it will be released here too. This is no longer on imdb.


Run: This has no release date, but it does have a trailer. The plot is about a man who seems to have lost something important and will try to live life in a different way from this point forward. I’m guessing that running in some way will factor into the plot. It might be out, but I can’t find much information about it right now. I don’t think that it is yet.


Trailer Link:


Thoughts on trailer: This looks very good and interesting, although I’m not sure that I can make anything out of the plot just yet. I’ll have to see what becomes of it in the future. Whatever it is, I hope to see it and want to watch it, not just out of an obligation to doing this blog in the future.


The Prince: This is an animated show that seeks to look into the life of a prince that might be real as the show is obviously a comedy in the meantime. It is currently available now. It has no trailer right now. I’m not yet sure what network this will be on.


Jay Exci review of this:


Everything I Ever Wanted to Tell My Daughter about Men: This had no release date or trailer at the moment right now. Apparently in this movie, a mother tells her daughter about her sex life in hopes that her daughter will learn from this.


Schmigadoon!: This is available now. It is streaming online. It is about a backpacking couple who find a magical town of sorts. There is no trailer for this yet, as I would have to guess that they haven’t filmed this yet. We’ll have to see what happens with this over time. There is a trailer for this now:


Trailer link:


Thoughts on trailer: Well, I’m still not entirely sure what to make of this, but this could be fun in some ways, although I can’t tell if it looks interesting enough to me or not. It does seem strange, but what were you expecting from a musical? I guess that I’ll have to see what all might happen, but this is yet another streaming service that I don’t have and thus will probably not get to see this. Thus, I’d need a show or movie to be on them before I can put a review for it in this blog of mine.


Marlowe: This is named after the last name of the character in the movie that this is. There is no release date or trailer for this yet. It is about a PI tasked to find a woman’s ex lover and, as usual, there is a much bigger case that winds up going on as a result.


Zach Grenier: Well, he’s finally doing things, such as being in a movie called The Vizitant. He’s also in The White Stuff. He will be a fourth season regular on The Good Fight. We’ll see what else he does over the course of time while still working.


The Vizitant: This has an unknown release date. Apparently, this movie is about a defeated politician who is given the power to change the world by a mysterious entity. Perhaps the Monitor is giving him the book of destiny. Whatever will happen, I hope to find out more when there is a trailer for this. I hope for a release date soon as well.


The White Stuff: This is now set for release in 2021. In it, a man learns something very weird about himself: he can’t see race. This is a short of some sort. It sounds interesting, but I have no idea if I’ll be able to see any shorts like this one or not as I wouldn’t know when they are available. I do not know yet when I might be able to see this. This does not appear to have a rating or later time frame of when it could be out other than last year.


The Good Fight: It will be put on and be available to watch on Paramount+ to those that want it. It is available now. Expect to see the same review over and over again for whichever people work on this from The Good Wife.


Review: Status- It is available online only at Paramount+. I’ll let you know if it is released on DVD. Why I’ve seen it- If there is something in this blog that I can review, I will. Description- Diane continues her adventures starting from scratch after losing her retirement money and starting at a new firm. Pros- The show is about the same level of quality that you would expect from The Good Wife. Cons- Apparently, there is going to be a lot of nudity in it. Like the original, this show is a bit too confusing. Note to Parents- Your kids would have to pay to watch this online so if they are seeing it, then you hopefully were the ones who let that happen, although I’d lean towards not letting really young people watch this. Recommendation- Since this is only available online for money, I would actually steer clear of this unless you really like the show. I like it, but not enough to shell out too much money for it. Prediction- This could last a while if people keep using the subscription service to watch it. It will be hard to tell for sure as it goes along. Reception: critically acclaimed. Grade: B.


Matthew Goode: He has been doing a lot of projects since leaving The Good Wife. I might as well get to mentioning all of them. A thing he appears to be doing is Medieval. Yet another movie he’ll be in is The King’s Man. We’ll see what happens with them. He will also be in The Colour Room. Two more things that he is planning to do are The Offer and The House.


Medieval: This is a movie with a release year of 2022. I don’t know if this is based on a true story or not. But it seems like it is about two people and how they seek to win against an army of people. They probably have people helping them with it.


The King’s Man: This looks like it will be a prequel to the Kingsman series of movies. I’ll probably post review of the other movies in the series at some point. That will at least give me an excuse to watch them again. It is currently in theaters. There is a trailer for this. There are newer trailers that I don’t care about right now, although I should have as that would have meant more than just the thoughts on a teaser being known.


Trailer link:


Thoughts on trailer: I can’t gather much from a teaser like this, but may keep it in here instead of going with an official trailer later. You see, this looks interesting to me like all the other movies in the franchise have thus far. I look forward to seeing it. I just wish that a bit more could be revealed about it.


I can only hope that this ends my long streak of not seeing movies in theaters again that has happened for quite a long time. But I haven’t been able to see this movie just yet. The sooner I see this, the better. After all, I have two posts of this blog that you can’t see until I have a review of this movie in here first.


Catch up on Kingsman: The Secret Service by watching this:


Catch up on Kingsman: The Golden Circle by watching this:


The Colour Room: This is said to be a drama of sorts. This is available now. I also have no idea what the plot is as imbd doesn’t currently know. This is said to be on Sky network, so it might not air here in the US. This has a trailer:


Trailer link:


Thoughts on trailer: This actually looks like it could be good. It is a true story about a woman doing pottery and making advances in that world. It seems like an obscure thing to talk about and the trailer seems kind of ordinary in some ways. But I like the idea of it and can only hope that the movie isn’t boring with the trailer making it look good when it really isn’t. Since this is a movie and not a TV show, I will be removing this from the updates since I won’t be able to see it.


The Offer: This is set to air sometime in 2022. It is about the making of The Godfather. I don’t know much else about it like what network it would be on or if it’s a streaming service of some sort instead. Will it be a documentary?


The House: This is going to air on January 14, 2022. I don’t know where it is going to air, but it is a TV show of sorts. It is about three different generations who have made it home over time. It could be good, but I might never know depending on what happens or where this winds up airing. There is a trailer for this now that I will talk about:


Trailer link:


Thoughts on trailer: Um, what is this? What in the actual fuck is going on? This looks very, incredibly weird. I can’t make sense of this. I won’t be upset that I won’t be able to see this. I think that they are going for a horror something or other. This looks strange and I just can’t seem to understand what this is about.


Cush Jumbo: She will be appearing in a TV show called The Beast Must Die. I can’t tell much about this right now. But I will talk more about this in the next paragraph since that is what I do in this blog now. She will also be in something called Stay Close.


The Beast Must Die: I have no idea what it is about right now, but hopefully will be able be able to see it, but it might not be on American television. This is available now on British television. There is a trailer for this now:


Trailer link:


Thoughts on trailer: The trailer seems vague in some ways. It could be interesting, but just seems generic in some ways. What is there even to make sense of this? What all could I say? I’m just not sure that I care right now.


Stay Close: This is out now. It is a TV show that I think will be on Netflix. It is about how three people’s lives are affected by something horrible that happens. But maybe some good can come out of it? There is a trailer for it:


Trailer link:


Thoughts on trailer: This looks complicated with many layers to it. Maybe this would be a good thing to watch. Maybe it would be too confusing or hard to follow. I’m not sure how this makes sense with the description that I have for it now thus far. I guess at least I know this is a mystery. But is it one worth keeping up with?


Jeffrey Dean Morgan: He is now in the cast of The Walking Dead. He’ll also be in The Integrity of Joseph Chambers. I wonder what else he might do over time. He’s currently also in a project called Fall. I guess we’ll see if that’s it or not.


The Walking Dead: This is a popular gory cable zombie drama about humans trying to save themselves from what is known as The Walking Dead, or walkers, zombies who are often the bad guys. But who else are causing problems?


Review: Status- Currently on AMC at times. Why I’ve seen it- I borrowed this on DVD from a friend in order to review it for this blog. Noteworthiness- This is adapted from comic books of the same name. Description- A man wakes up from a coma to find that he now lives in a world with zombies, his old world gone. Notable People- Jeffrey Dean Morgan, who was in The Good Wife, is now on this show. Pros- It has a good premise that works for the most part. Cons- It can be too slow moving and seem longer than it needs to be. Note to Parents- I wouldn’t let your kids watch this. Teens might be safe, but I might steer clear of that too. Recommendation- Maybe this is worth watching if you like this sort of show. I’d put it at a toss-up myself as to whether or not to watch. My Viewing Habits- I plan to watch the whole first season on DVD. Whether or not I’ll see any more after that is unknown. Prediction- This is currently airing its final season. Reception: largely positive. Grade: B-.


The Integrity of Joseph Chambers: This is set for release sometime in 2021. I have no idea what the plot would relate to or if it relates to a true story like I think that it might, but just as easily might not. I’ll wait to see what this might be about. There are no updates about this yet as of the New Year.


Fall: This project has very little known about it thus far. I don’t know yet what type of project this is about or even what it is about. Its release date is unknown at this time. Maybe I’ll find out more about this over time.


Robert King: Here is where we switch to writing credits. He and his wife are helping with The Good Fight. He’s also doing a TV show called Evil. He’s working on another TV show called Girls with Guns. He’s also doing Would I Lie to You? Another thing that he is doing right now is Your Honor. And he’s doing Happy Face.


The Good Fight: It will be put on and be available to watch on Paramount+ to those that want it. It is available now. Expect to see the same review over and over again for whichever people work on this from The Good Wife.


Review: Status- It is available online only at Paramount+. I’ll let you know if it is released on DVD. Why I’ve seen it- If there is something in this blog that I can review, I will. Description- Diane continues her adventures starting from scratch after losing her retirement money and starting at a new firm. Pros- The show is about the same level of quality that you would expect from The Good Wife. Cons- Apparently, there is going to be a lot of nudity in it. Like the original, this show is a bit too confusing. Note to Parents- Your kids would have to pay to watch this online so if they are seeing it, then you hopefully were the ones who let that happen, although I’d lean towards not letting really young people watch this. Recommendation- Since this is only available online for money, I would actually steer clear of this unless you really like the show. I like it, but not enough to shell out too much money for it. Prediction- This could last a while if people keep using the subscription service to watch it. It will be hard to tell for sure as it goes along. Reception: critically acclaimed. Grade: B.


Evil: This looks like it could be interesting. People investigate the supernatural in this show in the typical one woman, two men set up. This is currently streaming its second season now. We’ll see how long it might last beyond its current known run.


Evil: Status- Currently streaming its second season. Why I’ve seen it- I watched this to review it for a blog. Description- A woman and others have to deal with the idea of what makes one evil and if there are supernatural abilities behind it or not. Notable People- This is created by Robert and Michelle King who also did The Good Wife, The Good Fight, and BrainDead. It stars Michael Emerson from Person of Interest, Lost, and Arrow. Pros- It has a lot to offer in terms of understanding the human mind. Cons- It might be too mysterious at some points in the long term. I just hope they decide whether or not to include supernatural elements for sure at some point. Note to Parents- This is probably not something that you want your kids watching. Recommendation- I’d say that this is pretty good to watch. My Viewing Habits- I had planned to see as much of this as I can and have watched since the first episode aired. With it now on streaming, I doubt that I’ll be able to watch any new episodes of this again. Prediction- I might last if the good streaming numbers keep up. Otherwise, it will be toast pretty soon after that. Reception: positive. Grade: B-.


Girls with Guns: Not much is known about this right now. I don’t even see a plot of this mentioned right now. What I do know is that it might air on CBS all access. It is unknown when this is coming out. I could not find out more information upon further research as I doubt google would be helpful with this.


Would I Lie to You?: In this show, people are told stories and they have to tell reality and fiction apart. I hope that this is different from To Tell the Truth. This has an unknown air date at the moment. It is set to air on the CW. Hopefully, it won’t be on too late in the end.


Your Honor: I forget if I mentioned this show before but got confused by it. But this is a show that is currently airing somewhere, even though it is on hiatus right now. It is a courtroom drama that is renewed for season 2.


Happy Face: This is a TV show. I have no idea what network this would air on. It has an unknown airdate right now. In this show, we learn that a child discovers that her father is a serial killer. This could be interesting, but it better avoid being anything like what Prodigal Son wound up being like.


Michelle King: Since she is married to the previous person, it would appear that she would probably have the same projects in the works as her husband. This section may be redundant since any similar projects that these people have would be the same thing and thus have the same information. She is working on The Good Fight. She’s also doing Evil and Girls with Guns. She will also be involved with Would I Lie to You? She’s doing Your Honor as well. Yet another thing she’s doing is Happy Face.


The Good Fight: It will be put on and be available to watch on Paramount+ to those that want it. It is available now. Expect to see the same review over and over again for whichever people work on this from The Good Wife.


Review: Status- It is available online only at Paramount+. I’ll let you know if it is released on DVD. Why I’ve seen it- If there is something in this blog that I can review, I will. Description- Diane continues her adventures starting from scratch after losing her retirement money and starting at a new firm. Pros- The show is about the same level of quality that you would expect from The Good Wife. Cons- Apparently, there is going to be a lot of nudity in it. Like the original, this show is a bit too confusing. Note to Parents- Your kids would have to pay to watch this online so if they are seeing it, then you hopefully were the ones who let that happen, although I’d lean towards not letting really young people watch this. Recommendation- Since this is only available online for money, I would actually steer clear of this unless you really like the show. I like it, but not enough to shell out too much money for it. Prediction- This could last a while if people keep using the subscription service to watch it. It will be hard to tell for sure as it goes along. Reception: critically acclaimed. Grade: B.


Evil: This looks like it could be interesting. People investigate the supernatural in this show in the typical one woman, two men set up. This is currently streaming its second season now. We’ll see how long it might last beyond its current known run.


Evil: Status- Currently streaming its second season. Why I’ve seen it- I watched this to review it for a blog. Description- A woman and others have to deal with the idea of what makes one evil and if there are supernatural abilities behind it or not. Notable People- This is created by Robert and Michelle King who also did The Good Wife, The Good Fight, and BrainDead. It stars Michael Emerson from Person of Interest, Lost, and Arrow. Pros- It has a lot to offer in terms of understanding the human mind. Cons- It might be too mysterious at some points in the long term. I just hope they decide whether or not to include supernatural elements for sure at some point. Note to Parents- This is probably not something that you want your kids watching. Recommendation- I’d say that this is pretty good to watch. My Viewing Habits- I had planned to see as much of this as I can and have watched since the first episode aired. With it now on streaming, I doubt that I’ll be able to watch any new episodes of this again. Prediction- I might last if the good streaming numbers keep up. Otherwise, it will be toast pretty soon after that. Reception: positive. Grade: B-.


Girls with Guns: Not much is known about this right now. I don’t even see a plot of this mentioned right now. What I do know is that it might air on CBS all access. It is unknown when this is coming out. This will likely be about girls with guns. But more of a plot beyond that is unknown.


Would I Lie to You?: In this show, people are told stories and they have to tell reality and fiction apart. I hope that this is different from To Tell the Truth. This has an unknown air date at the moment. It is set to air on the CW. Hopefully, it won’t be on too late in the end.


Your Honor: I forget if I mentioned this show before but got confused by it. But this is a show that is currently airing somewhere, even though it is on hiatus right now. It is a courtroom drama that is renewed for season 2. This airs on Showtime.


Happy Face: This is a TV show. I have no idea what network this would air on. It has an unknown airdate right now. In this show, we learn that a child discovers that her father is a serial killer. This could be interesting, but it better avoid being anything like what Prodigal Son wound up being like.


Erica Tazel: This former Good Fight actress has a project in the works. I look forward to seeing what I can of her work in the future. She is in The Devil You Know. That’s all that I currently see of hers at the moment as not much else is mentioned here just yet if it will be at all.


The Devil You Know: In this movie, a man has to try to make things right for himself after spiraling one way and not going back to his dark ways of the past or something like that. It has no release date at this moment. Hopefully, one will happen. This might be on Tubi at some point, if it isn’t already at this point in time.


Poppy Montgomery: I don’t know if she acts less now than she used to. We’ll see what she does. I finally have a new update of hers. She will be in something called Christmas on the Farm. That could be good. I have no idea if I’ll be able to see that or not.


Christmas on the Farm: This is out now. It is about a woman who does strange things in order to get her book published and it is a romantic comedy of sorts. Is this a Hallmark movie? I’m unsure right now. There is a trailer for this now:


Trailer link:


Thoughts on trailer: This is a foreign film that might never be released in the US. We’ll see if it will be or not. If it is made for TV, then I doubt it. But let’s get to what actually happened in the trailer. You see, it is cliché as a woman does a lie and then an entire movie worth of plot happens because of the lie. At least it seems different than the typical romantic comedy. I won’t be upset if I never get to see this. I will be removing this from the updates since I doubt I’ll be able to see this.


Jaimie Alexander: This Blindspot actress will now be the first alumni from that show to be covered in this blog. I actually now have another one covered in a different blog. After not being in the third Thor movie, she will be returning for the fourth one, Thor: Love and Thunder. It’s about time that I can finally include parts of the MCU in this or any of my blogs. You might see me review every MCU film now at some point, or at least the ones relevant to Thor which will include the first three Thor movies and more than likely the first four Avengers movies. She’s also set to be in Chase.


Thor: Love and Thunder: This is set for release on July 8, 2022. There isn’t much of a plot known to this yet. I have no idea what the conflict would be based on the title. But I look forward to the film and will now have to get a bunch of other MCU films on DVD and finally get caught up on what I haven’t seen of the franchise at some point.


Chase: This has no release date or trailer yet. It sounds interesting and follows a missing person plot that I find interesting for some reason. It does throw some twists at you with it being a man looking for the woman he is divorcing, potentially spoiling the end if it turns out to be a happy one for him and her. But I look forward to it in time.


Enrique Murciano: He has started to do something new called Tell Me Your Secrets. That is the only project of his that he is currently doing at the moment right now. I hope that he does more when he is able. If not, I’ll keep track of him anyways. Another thing he will be doing is Father of the Bride.


Tell Me Your Secrets: This is available now. It is a TV series. It will focus on three different main characters that have mysterious pasts and trying to find some way forward, it seems. It is an Amazon Prime original show. There is a trailer for this now:


Trailer link:


Thoughts on trailer: It sure seems like a lot is going on in this show at once. There are kidnappings or at least one. There is a woman in witness protection. And there are a lot of, well, secrets, as to be expected. I might be interested in this more, if it seemed like it had more of a straightforward plot that isn’t too all over the place.


Father of the Bride: This has no trailer yet. It also has no release date. It seems to be about a Cuban-American family dealing with his upcoming daughter’s wedding and a lot of other issues too, potentially. I guess it could be similar to some of what we’ve seen already, or maybe not.


Hugh Bonneville: This actor from Downton Abbey will be the first of any people from that show to be covered in this blog here. (That show is on my second list of things to watch from right now, but I have not yet been able to watch it.) Anyways, he has lots of things in the works right now. A thing that he’s doing is Bernie’s Gift. He’ll also be in The Amazing Maurice. Another thing he is set to be in is Downton Abbey: A New Era. And he’ll also be in I Came By. We’ll see what else he’ll be in.


Bernie’s Gift: This has no release date or trailer right now. The plot sounds complicated from what I understand of it online. This relates to a man recruiting two people in order to go on an adventure of sorts relating to food and other things.


The Amazing Maurice: This is set for release on February 13, 2022. This seems to be a take on the pied piper story from a previously unseen cat’s perspective. I hope that they can improve on this fucked up story that kids are told for no good reason. There is not yet a trailer for this as it is still filming at the moment of the writing of this paragraph.


Downton Abbey: A New Era: This is set for release on March 18, 2022. It is filming now. It is a follow up movie to the first movie set after the TV series in general. I wouldn’t know for sure what all this might cover, but I look forward to seeing it. There is a teaser for this now:


Teaser link:


Thoughts on teaser: Apparently, there are more secrets to be known about one of the characters. This may be setting up a new TV show, but I guess we’ll see about that in the end if that will happen or not. I can’t get much out of this, other than the fact that there will be a new castle in France. But what else could happen in the film?


I Came By: This has no trailer yet. It is set for release in 2022. The plot is about someone who does graffiti that discovers a secret that could harm him and others. It does not sound too original, but could be interesting. I might never know.


Sullivan Stapleton: He has two different projects in the works. You’ll recognize one of them as it is Everything I Ever Wanted to Tell My Daughter about Men. I wonder if there should be a shorter title for it. Another thing he is set to do is After the Verdict.


Everything I Ever Wanted to Tell My Daughter about Men: This had no release date or trailer at the moment right now. Apparently in this movie, a mother tells her daughter about her sex life in hopes that her daughter will learn from this.


After the Verdict: This is set to air sometime in 2022. It is about four people and their lives relating to a high profile murder trial. I don’t yet know where this is airing or streaming, but I do plan to watch if I can as it could be interesting.


Hank Steinberg: He has no projects known in the works right now. I hope to see more from him in the future. We’ll see if more happens or not. He might appear at some point in time in something, but this has not happened yet.


Jessica Brown Findlay: She’s in a lot of projects. One is a show called Castlevania. A second is Life after Life. A third thing is Munich: The Edge of War. A fourth thing that she is in is Iris Warriors. A fifth thing is Whatever After. A sixth is The hanging sun.


Castlevania: This is a TV show that is out now. It is based on a video game of the same name. This is on Netflix. In this show, a vampire hunter wants to save a city from all sorts of otherworldly creatures. That is about all that I can mention about it for now.


Munich: The Edge of War: This is out now. It is a movie about a British man set to meet an old classmate that is secretly working for Germany in the backdrop of World War II. Since it is a Netflix movie, this will be the last time you see this in the updates. Enjoy the trailer for it:


Trailer link:


Thoughts on trailer: I’m sad that I won’t be able to see this as it looks good. I don’t know how much of this actually happened. What is the importance of the document? I hope that it isn’t a true MacGuffin, which isn’t important by the end. I recommend this without seeing it and only hope that it is a good film in the end.


Iris Warriors: This is set for release on April 2, 2022. In this movie, two warriors have to fight against their evil mother to try to bring color back to the universe. They have to bring light and beauty into the world. You’d think that they’d win, but I guess that we’ll see.


Whatever After: This has no release date yet. It also has no plot. It is a miniseries of some sort. What else is there for me to say about it? I’m unsure. Hopefully more about this will be known over time. One can only hope that it will.


The hanging sun: This has no release date at the moment. In it, a hitman who is on the run seeks refuge in a village, but there are other things going on as well. I don’t want to just copy and paste what imbd says as I don’t think that I can.


Life after Life: Based on a book, this TV show is about a woman who keeps dying and being reborn over and over again, living out different lives in the end. It has no release date yet and I’m unsure what network or streaming service it might be on or if it will be in the American places or if it will be foreign. It is hard to know what goes on with projects sometimes.




Currently on TV- The Walking Dead (on AMC), Your Honor (unknown time on unknown network), The Resident (on FOX at 8/7 Central on Tuesdays), Snowpiercer (on TNT), The Beast Must Die


Currently streaming- Tell Me Your Secrets (on Amazon Prime Video), Castlevania (on Netflix), Departure (on Peacock), Evil (on Paramount+), The Good Fight (on Paramount+), The Prince, Stay Close (on Netflix), Schmigadoon!


Possibly out somehow- Christmas on the Farm, The Colour Room, The White Stuff, The Integrity of Joseph Chambers


Currently in theaters- The King’s Man


January 14, 2022- The House


January 21, 2022- Munich: The Edge of War


January 24, 2022- The Gilded Age (on HBO Max)


February 13, 2022- The Amazing Maurice


March 18, 2022- Downton Abbey: A New Era


April 2, 2022- Iris Warriors


July 8, 2022- Thor: Love and Thunder


Unknown 2022- We Own This City, I Came By, The Offer, After the Verdict, Medieval, Would I Lie to You?


Unknown year- Bright in a Hollow Sky, Going Back, Girls with Guns, Bad Moms’ Moms, Run, Fairytale, The Summer People, Growing up Gorman, Everything I Ever Wanted to Tell My Daughter about Men, The Vizitant, Father of the Bride, Fall, Chase, Whatever After, The hanging sun, Life after Life, The Devil You Know, Keeper of the Cup, Marlowe